Sucralose: Emerging Science Reveals Health Risks

white and red coca cola box

Stacy Malkan Sucralose is the most widely used arti cial sweetener in the United States. Most commonly sold under the brand name Splenda, the chemical is used in over 6,000 food products. It is often found in “diet” sodas including Diet Coke with Splenda, Diet Pepsi with Splenda, as well as Gatorade’s Propel Water, low-calorie […]

CDC Plan Would Expose 19 Million More Americans to Harmful Levels of Fluoride

person opening faucet

Stuart Copper The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced a new strategy and helped develop a new technology to fluoridate an additional 19+ million Americans, which will also eventually expand to Canadians, Australians and likely others. … The published science over the past decade has taught us a lot about water fluoridation, about both […]

Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Obesity, Diabetes

Unrecognizable Male Hand Adding Sweetener to Cup of Coffee

Joseph Mercola Artificial sweeteners promote metabolic dysfunction by interfering with learned responses that contribute to glucose control and energy homeostasis. They also destroy gut microbiota, induce glucose intolerance and interact with sweet-taste receptors expressed throughout your digestive system that play a role in glucose absorption and trigger insulin secretion.

A Guide to Water Filtration

clear drinking glass on gray surface

World Council For Health Water is the most fundamental element of human life and clean water is essential for washing, sanitation, and, of course, drinking. The quality of the water that we drink varies greatly around the world and depends on factors like hardness, pH, clarity, dissolved solids, and contaminants. Even though it is something […]

EU Regulators ‘Dismissed Evidence’ Linking Glyphosate to Rodent Tumours

Arthur Neslen EU regulators dismissed key scientific evidence linking glyphosate to rodent tumours in a positive assessment they gave for continued sales of the substance last week, according to a new report by environmental campaigners. Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weedkiller and its EU relicensing has become a touchstone in a wider battle between environmentalists and agribusiness over the […]

Neurotoxic Pesticides Disrupt Gut Microbiome, Increase Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

Beyond Pesticides A study published in The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology finds environmental exposure to neurotoxic pesticides increases Parkinson’s Disease (PD) risk through gastrointestinal (GI) disruption. Research finds exposure to chemical toxicants, like pesticides, can cause neurotoxic effects or exacerbate preexisting chemical damage to the nervous system. Although the mechanism by which […]

Lifelong Exposure to a Low-Dose of the Glyphosate-Based Herbicide RoundUp® Causes Intestinal Damage, Gut Dysbiosis, and Behavioural Changes in Mice

Ingrid Del Castilo et al. RoundUp® (RUp) is a commercial formulation containing glyphosate (N-(phosphono-methyl) glycine), and is the world’s leading wide-spectrum herbicide used in agriculture. Supporters of the broad use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) claim they are innocuous to humans, since the active compound acts on the inhibition of enzymes which are absent in human cells. […]

Does Glyphosate Affect the Human Microbiota?

green farming equipment on brown field

Pere Puigbò, Lyydia I. Leino, Miia J. Rainio, Kari Saikkonen, Irma Saloniemi, Marjo Helander Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used agrochemical. Its use in agriculture and gardening has been proclaimed safe because humans and other animals do not have the target enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS). However, increasing numbers of studies have demonstrated risks to […]