Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy: What We Know So Far

Isabella D’Andrea Meira et al. The Ketogenic Diet (KD) is a modality of treatment used since the 1920s as a treatment for intractable epilepsy. It has been proposed as a dietary treatment that would produce similar benefits to fasting, which is already recorded in the Hippocratic collection. The KD has a high fat content (90%) […]

The Brain Needs Animal Fat

Georgia Ede Fat is not just for insulation and energy storage; it’s also for nutrient absorption, cell signaling, and other critical processes. DHA is a fatty acid that humans can’t function without, but the fewer animal foods a person eats, the lower their DHA levels tend to be. The easiest way to obtain DHA is […]

The Future of Livestock Vaccines: A Part of the LRIC White Paper Series

brown and white cow on green grass field during daytime

Mike McMorris and Chloe Neudorf The livestock sector in Ontario is a key driver of Ontario’s economy, generating about $4 billion invalue annually (Statistical Summary of Ontario Agriculture, 2016). The health of the herd and flockplays a huge role in the profitability of production but also in the environmental footprint and in foodsafety. Good health […]

The Missing Puzzle Piece Is Bioavailable Copper – Not More Iron

pate, meat, food

Lucy Crisetig Copper and its master protein, ceruloplasmin, are instrumental for mitochondrial function. Ceruloplasmin is what drives copper into the mitochondria, and each mitochondrion needs about 50,000 atoms of copper to do its work. In a study it appears, when rats were denied copper, six genes (and subsequent proteins) are down-regulated or turned off, while […]

Intestinal Individuality and Probiotic Supplements

David Osborn The whole of Greek Medicine is based upon the constitutional precepts of humor and temperament, and constitutional bodymind types, as embodied in the Four Temperaments, which are Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic and Phlegmatic. Each of these four basic constitutional types is characterized by a predominance of a certain pairing of the Four Basic Qualities, […]

Know Your Metabolic Type/The Oxidation Types: Introduction to Metabolic Typing

basic element, earth, air Metabolic typing is a very central concept in nutritional balancing science. However, metabolic typing is not familiar to most people because modern allopathic medicine does not focus on it. Many ancient healing systems embraced it, however. The idea behind of metabolic typing is that o en people display symptoms, illnesses, and hundreds of body […]

Vilhjalmur Stefansson and His All-Meat Diet Experiment

beef steak with fork

Sophia Le Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1879 – 1962) was an Arctic explorer, anthropologist, lecturer, and proli c writer. Stefansson was rst forced to live on the all-meat diet of the Inuit to survive when a ship carrying his supplies failed to arrive on one of the expeditions. After eleven years living with the Eskimos, Stefansson’s health […]

Health Benefits of Ketones and the Ketogenic Diet

cooked dish on gray bowl

John Williamson Cameron Although glucose is the primary source of energy for the human body, ketones are an alternative energy source that is more efficient and can provide many health benefits. Small amounts of ketones are produced by the liver in the morning after depletion of glucose following an overnight fast. It is possible to […]