TCM Dampness and Food Therapy

woman sitting on wing chair

Edward F. Block IV One of the most central concepts of TCM is that of the intimate connection between the body and the environment. The physiology of the cells, tissues, zang-fu organs and meridian system of the body is in dynamic internal equilibrium and constantly adjusts to the vagaries of the external environment. There is […]

Fruit and Vegetable Peels: Paving the Way Towards the Development of New Generation Therapeutics

orange peels

Hamendra S. Parmar et al. Interestingly, the last few years have seen an increase in the number of available reports on fruits and vegetable peels, and particularly on their biological activity, their content of different bioactive compounds, their chemical characterization, understanding of their structure-activity relationships, isolation and purification of commercially important chemicals without using high […]

Key Diet and Lifestyle Strategies for a Healthier Life

grilled steak with vegetables on white ceramic plate

Joseph Mercola Avoiding industrial seed oils, due to their high linoleic acid (LA) content, can go a long way toward safeguarding your health. Examples of cooking oils to avoid include canola, corn, rapeseed, cottonseed and soybean oil. As a general rule, anything over 10 grams of LA a day is likely to cause problems. For […]

Food Therapy and Medical Diet Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Qunli Wu and Xiaochun Liang Food therapy of traditional Chinese medicine aims to maintain balanced nutrition through diet. Medical diet therapy, however, is to achieve the balance of Yin and Yang through the combination of nutrition and medicine. Either “food therapy” or “medical diet ther- apy” aims to keep health, prevent disease, remove illness and […]

What is Culinary Medicine and What Does It Do?

person slicing green vegetable in front of round ceramic plates with assorted sliced vegetables during daytime

John La Puma Over the past 35 years, a new enthusiasm has emerged about the relationship of food, eating, and cooking to personal health and wellness.1 Though there are few peer- reviewed publications, grant monies, books, or biomedical journals entitled ‘‘culinary medicine,’’ there are thousands of peer-reviewed publications, found mainly in mainstream medical journals that […]

Living According to the Winter Season with Chinese Medicine

brown wooden spoon on brown wooden spoon

Emma Suttie Winter represents the most Yin aspect in Chinese medicine. Yin is the dark, cold, slow, inward energy. This is compared to the Yang of summer whose energy represents light, hot, quick, expansive qualities. The summer weather is warm, the days are longer and people are out being active. In TCM we believe that […]

Understand the Difference between Synthetic and Whole Food Supplementation

orange fruit slices on yellow surface

David Jockers Synthetic supplements are nutrients that have been synthetically (man-made) derived in a laboratory. These nutrients have an identical chemical structure as the whole food derived nutrition. They do not deliver the same results though. Even though the chemistry may be identical there is a significant difference between man-made and natural nutrition. Light passing […]