CDC FOIA Request

A recent FOIA request has shown that the CDC fails to reveal any records wherein the alleged SARS-CoV2 “genome” was sequenced and: the researchers attempted to assemble the same “genome” using similar clinical samples taken from healthy people as controls, and/or the researchers attempted to assemble the same “genome” using similar clinical samples taken from […]
Part 1: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: The ‘Novel’ Coronavirus Needs Lipid Nanoparticles to Infect Humans

Karen Kingston In the case of The COVID-19 Story, FACT is STRANGER than FICTION. What we were told about the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, variants, mRNA technology, the deadly spike proteins, and PCR-tests is more akin to a plot from a movie in the Marvel series. … Wait? But the Masters of Evil never told […]
Lies and Secrecy: What the CDC and FDA Aren’t Telling You About COVID and the Vaccines

Joseph Mercola The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has publicly warned that COVID-19 is one of the Top 10 causes of death in children aged 5 to 11, yet when asked to produce the data, they admitted they never conducted an analysis for that age group. The CDC has also lied about Pfizer’s […]
Four Myths about Pandemic Preparedness

David Bell It seems unavoidable that those advocating for the current pandemic and preparedness agenda are intentionally misleading the public in order to achieve their aims. This explains why, in the background documents of the WHO, the World Bank, G20 and others, detailed cost-benefit analyses are avoided. The same absence of this basic requirement characterized […]
Time to Unmask the Truth

Eric Payne To be clear, the policy-grade data regarding masking for COVID-19 and influenza fail to show any protection against infection. If the Ontario CMOH has such data, he has not provided it. Yet the relentless messaging that masking our children is safe and effective persists. We are not allowed to question the global COVID […]
A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over

Tracy Beanz The time for silence is over. There is far too much readily available data, far too many examples, and far too much pain and suffering for this to continue. We have data from systems designed to alert us to harm and death the government created. We have independent studies. We have pharmaceutical studies. […]
“Pandemic Amnesty”? It’s Just More Narrative Reinforcement

Kit Knightly A few days ago, on Halloween, the Atlantic ran this opinion piece by economist Emily Oster, headlined: “LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY“ The general perception has been that it is some kind of admission of defeat, perhaps a recognition that the “pandemic” was not real, and that those pushing the narrative had been […]
Amnesty, Yes-And Here is the Price

Charles Eisenstein A recent article in The Atlantic, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty,” has been making waves in the Covid dissident community. The article, written by Brown University economics professor Emily Oster, proposes that we forgive and forget the crimes against the public perpetrated during the Covid years. Her main argument seems to be that […]