Inventing Diagnoses to Cover Up Vaccine Injury – a Con as Old as Vaccination Itself

CHD Team The shot pushers and their media enablers have taken cover-up tactics to absurd new heights by, for example, chalking up the rash of fatal heart attacks and overnight deaths in athletes and young adults to a fluky condition referred to variously as “sudden adult death syndrome” or “sudden arrhythmic death syndrome” (SADS). What […]

Imperial Fantasy of 20 Million Lives Saved

Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART) Imperial College has produced a new fantasy number to test people’s gullibility. This time they are claiming that 19.8 million lives have been saved by vaccination. … Modelling is nothing by glorified guessing based on extrapolating from assumptions of the authors’ choosing. The assumptions were so wild in the latest […]

Secrets of the Pandemic

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Swiss Policy Research Little-known aspects of the coronavirus pandemic. Contents 1) Pandemic Response: Failure or Success?; 2) The SARS&MERS “Death Rate”; 3) China & Zero Covid; 4) Coronavirus Origins; 5) Why Face Masks Have Failed; 6) Covid Vaccine Trials; 7) Covid Treatment: Antivirals & More; 8) Asymptomatic Transmission; 9) Long Covid; 10) Children

Model Misspecification and Grossly Inflated Estimates of Lives Saved

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Spiro Pantazatos In a recent study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Watson et al. apply mathematical modeling to estimate that mass COVID-19 vaccinations saved between 14-20 million lives worldwide during the first year of the COVID-19 vaccination program. Previous Brownstone articles by Horst and Raman have already pointed out several erroneous assumptions in the […]

There Is No Pandemic

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Iain DavisResearch by an independent statistician, who goes by the pseudonym of John Dee, appears to confirm what many have suspected since the beginning of the Covid-19 pseudopandemic; that the government narrative about the disease is a confidence trick. John Dee looked at more than 160,000 admissions via the Emergency Department of a busy hospital. His analysis […]

The Deception Is Getting More Brazen

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Ian Miller One of the most disappointing aspects of the COVID pandemic has been the willingness of adults to impose untested restrictions and policies on young children, while ignoring any potential negative impacts to their mandates. Without pushback from the media, supposed “experts” have recommended school closures, remote learning, forced masking and now, universal vaccination […]

More Flaws in the Vaccine Model Claiming 20 Million Lives Saved

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Bhaskaran Raman A study titled “Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study” has appeared in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, on 23 June 2022. It has concluded that nearly 14-20 million lives have been saved by the rollout of the Covid-19 jabs. … The modeling study necessarily incorporates various important parameters. A […]