No More Clinical Trials Needed

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Jessica Rose Because: Safe and Effective. Foreverrrrrrrrururrrurururrr This is the meeting [VRBPAC June 28, 2022] that these same financially-conflicted people will vote on to decide for the entire world that clinical trials are pish tosh – no need for them anymore. But this is why, besides the obvious reasons, you should really care. They have […]

Did Covid Vaccines Save Tens of Millions of Lives?

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Roger Koops Did the introduction of Covid vaccines reduce mortality? A recent preprint, with the now questionable Medical Journal Lancet, makes the claim that the Covid vaccine introduction in December 2020 actually prevented tens of millions of deaths worldwide.  … So, what is wrong with this article? I do not even need to know the algorithms […]

Symptom Laundering …

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Jessica Rose As time progresses, it will become impossible to hide the adverse events, both acute and delayed, induced by the COVID-19 injectable products. They are just too prolific. I say this with a lot of confidence. There are 14,330 different MedDRA codes reported in VAERS as of June 24, 2022 in the context of […]

FDA Unanimously Approve Covid Vaccine for 0-4 Years: Unfathomable Decision Given the Trial Data

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Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART) It was depressing that in the FDA open meeting, none of the members pointed out that 2 months follow-up is totally inadequate for assessing safety, nor questioned the use of an antibody level as a measure of success.  … Moderna was also authorised for children at the same meeting, despite several countries having dropped it […]

Asymptomatic Spread: Who Can Really Spread COVID-19?

John Lee A respiratory virus needs associated symptoms in order to be clinically relevant. One year ago, this belief would have been universally accepted by the wider medical community. The response to COVID-19 has been predicated on the assumption that asymptomatic PCR positive individuals can spread disease. This assumption was simply accepted as fact and, […]

First Finding From Pfizer

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Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART) … Early analysis has demonstrated several concerning anomalies but crucially it has revealed that the efficacy data was not what was sold. … Pfizer set out in its protocol that efficacy would be measured based on PCR positive test results in symptomatic individuals and, as a secondary measure, N-antibody […]

New FOIA Release Shows CDC Lied About Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Efforts

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Josh Guetzkow They never found any safety signals, because they didn’t look for them. … They said they were going to use the most basic, standard pharmacovigilance method by calculating what are called proportional reporting ratios (PRR’s) to monitor VAERS (see the article linked above for more details). But it turns out they didn’t. And […]