Does Climate Change Affect Economic Growth?

Free stock photo of backlit, branch, bright

Ross McKitrick … But in recent years a strand of economic literature has argued that warming not only negatively affects the level of economic activity, but also the rate of income growth. This matters because when conducting an analysis over a 100-year time span, small changes in the growth rate can compound over a century […]

Opinion: What Causes Climate Change?

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Daniel W. Nebert … “Climate” is measured in 30-year segments. Conversely, “weather” is described in days, weeks and months. Anyone knowledgeable in climatology, meteorology, paleontology and geology knows the complexities of the “climate cycles” that have taken place for thousands of years. Exhibiting different periodicities, cycles frequently overlap with, and occur inside, one another. … […]

Beware of Exaggerated Claims of Climate Harm

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Matthew Lau Exaggerated claims about the harms of global warming are the stock-in-trade not only of the Trudeau government and publicly-funded climate institutes in Canada, but of many others in various quarters. … To be fair, many studies do find global warming will reduce GDP. However, claims of very severe economic harm, as in Kiley’s […]

Climate/Eco-anxiety: A Real Issue, But Not in the Way We’re Told?

windmill on grass field during golden hour

Dawn Lester The fear-mongering about ‘Covid’ seems to at last be subsiding; so surely we can now all heave a huge sigh of relief and get on with concentrating our efforts on creating new ways of living that will move us towards experiencing ever-greater freedom? … Although not new by any means, the one that […]

Models or Measures of Climate Change: Why Does It Matter?

a blackboard with a bunch of diagrams on it

Kenneth P. Green Much of our understanding of anthropogenic climate change, and much of the debate over climate science and climate policy is based on information generated via mathematical modeling. Rarely, if ever, do we see much discussion of empirical measurements of climate change; global average temperature and sea level are rare exceptions. … The […]

Models or Measures of Climate Change: Why Does It Matter?

a blackboard with a bunch of diagrams on it

Kenneth P. Green Much of our understanding of anthropogenic climate change, and much of the debate over climate science and climate policy is based on information generated via mathematical modeling. Rarely, if ever, do we see much discussion of empirical measurements of climate change; global average temperature and sea level are rare exceptions. … At […]

Bad Policy Assures a Perpetual Sense of Burning Crisis

forest fire, forest, climate change

El Gato Malo Forest fires are big, mediagenic events. The pictures are dramatic. The smoke they produce can spread for hundreds, even thousands of miles and can make life downwind unpleasant, even deadly for weeks on end. They are also widely misunderstood and being used to make outlandish claims in favor of “climate policy” that […]