Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 3

Dawn Lester In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I discussed the complete lack of evidence for the existence of ‘pathogenic agents’ of any description and the efforts of the medical establishment to promote vaccines as the only way to prevent what are erroneously referred to as ‘infectious diseases’. In this 3rd and final […]
Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 2

Dawn Lester The ‘outbreaks’ that are claimed to have occurred during June 2022 were listed in Disease Madness part 1, with the addition of 2 ‘situation updates’, one of which relates to Ebola, which is discussed later in this article. The main reason for providing this list of ‘outbreaks’ is to highlight that, contrary to many […]
Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 1

Dawn Lester If we are to believe the mainstream media, which is not advisable for a whole host of reasons, not least of which is that they have been demonstrably proven to report lies, then millions and possibly billions of people are currently in the grip of many ‘outbreaks’, some ‘epidemics’ and one ‘pandemic’, all […]
Concomitant Administration of Flu & SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Lowers Antibody Titers Against Covid-19

Paul Elkins The recent White House guidance for people to take the bivalent BA.5 Covid-19 booster vaccine concurrently with the influenza shot was clearly not based on evidence. It’s immunology 101 that introducing multiple antigens simultaneously will generally reduce the immune response to each antigen. However, that didn’t stop the current heads of the executive […]
The ‘Knee-jerk’ or ‘Blood-jerk Reaction’ – A Rise in the Alkaline Ph of the Blood!

Robert O. Young … Any rise in the alkalinity of the blood above pH 7.365 (alkaline phosphate)—any rise—is a result or a compensatory reaction due to over-acidity in body tissues as the blood attempts to maintain pH balance. There is no exception for the rule of alkalinity. The body will ALWAYS overcompensates for the excess […]
What are the Health Benefits of Vitamin K2?

Joseph Mercola Vitamin K1 and K2 are necessary for optimal health. While K1 is important for blood clotting, K2 is necessary for your heart, bone, hormonal and kidney health. Vitamin K2 is highly beneficial as it ensures calcium is not deposited in your arteries but transported to your bones and teeth where it belongs, reducing […]
‘Original Antigenic Sin’ Is a Real Problem with COVID-19 Vaccines

Jeremy R. Hammond Studies have now confirmed that “original antigenic sin”, or a detrimental fixation on a suboptimal immune response, is a real problem for people who’ve gotten COVID-19 vaccines. In brief, what can happen is that an initial viral infection or vaccination can result in an individual’s immune system becoming fixated on generating responses […]
Oral Microbiota: A New View of Body Health
Maoyang Lu, Songyu Xuan, Zhao Wang Oral microbiota is an important part of the human microbiota. Oral microbes can be colonized into the intestine in various ways. Oral microbiota is associated with a variety of oral diseases. Recently, increasing evidence has shown that the oral microbiota is closely related to the physical state of humans, […]