Light Hungry Mitochondria Dr Fritz Albert Popp, a German biophysicist, has shown in a number of experiments that the cells in our bodies are always emitting low-level light radiation which he called “biophoton emission.” Popp’s experiments suggest that this light emission is the way in which cells communicate. “Light can initiate or arrest cascade-like reactions in the […]

Microbiome-Based Hypothesis on Ivermectin’s Mechanism in COVID-19: Ivermectin Feeds Bifidobacterial to Boost Immunity

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Sabine Hazan Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic agent that has gained attention as a potential COVID-19 therapeutic. It is a compound of the type Avermectin, which is a fermented by-product of Streptomyces avermitilis. Bifidobacterium is a member of the same phylum as Streptomyces spp., suggesting it may have a symbiotic relation with Streptomyces. Decreased Bifidobacterium levels are observed in COVID-19 susceptibility states, including old […]

Is the Small Kingdom of Qatar About to Change Global Pandemic Policy?

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Guy Hatchard Remarkably some scientists in Qatar working with counterparts in New York have undertaken a study asking vital questions. They decided to study only the unvaccinated. They found: “Effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3% (95% CI: 94.9- 98.6%), irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, […]

Natural Immunity Is Not – And Never Was – Just a Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory

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Jonathan Engler There was never any reason to expect that “natural immunity”  – the protection acquired through infection by SARS-COV-2 – should not be similar to that acquired for other respiratory viruses humankind has come into contact with – robust, flexible and durable. Were it not, our species would have been wiped out many millennia […]

Duration of Immune Protection of SARS-CoV-2 Natural Infection Against Infection in Qatar

Hiam Chemaitelly et al. The future of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic hinges on virus evolution and duration of immune protection of natural infection against reinfection. We investigated duration of protection afforded by natural infection, the effect of viral immune evasion on duration of protection, and protection against severe reinfection, in Qatar, between February 28, 2020 and […]