No Jab, Lower Hospitalizations – Finds International Survey

Alliance for Natural Health An international survey of a health-aware, ‘Control Group’ that includes over 300,000 people who have chosen to avoid COVID-19 vaccination, shows participants place minimal burden on health systems through their strong reliance on natural immunity, self-care and the use of natural health supplements to help prevent or even treat COVID-19. Yet […]
Naturally-acquired Immunity Dynamics Against SARS-CoV-2 in Children and Adolescents

Tal Patalon et al. There are paucity of studies examining naturally acquired immunity against SARS- CoV-2 in children and adolescents, though they are generally the last group to be afforded the vaccine, and a significant portion of them are still unvaccinated. This study examined the duration of protection conferred by a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection amongst […]
Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections

Heba N. Altarawneh et al. No notable differences were observed in the effectiveness against BA.1 and BA.2 of previousinfection, vaccination, and hybrid immunity. Protection from previous infection with variants other than omicron against reinfection was moderate and durable, but protection of primary-series vaccination against infection was negligible by 6 months after the second dose. Recent […]
Mask Mandates Linked to Increased COVID Death Rates

Joseph Mercola Data from Kansas show counties with mask mandates had a higher death rate than counties without a mask mandate; two other large studies found similar results, one that gathered data in Europe only and the other from 69 countries. According to a study in early 2021, face masks increase your daily inhalation of […]
Long COVID Could Be a ‘Mass Deterioration Event’

Benjamin Mazer … So much about long COVID remains mysterious: The condition is hard to study, difficult to predict, and variously defined to include a disorienting range and severity of symptoms. But the numbers above imply ubiquity—a new plait in the fabric of society … As experts and advocates have observed, the emergence of long […]
The Antibody Deception

Brandon Turbeville Over the last several years, more and more people have become aware of the enormous dangers of vaccination. This is due, in large part, to the tireless work of a number of researchers and activists who have pointed out the horrific side effects attached to the use of toxic vaccine ingredients such as aluminum, polysorbate […]
Why People Are Sick and What Can Be Done About It

Jagannath Chatterjee We observe a world full of suffering populations. Disease has engulfed society. Chronic diseases have reached a peak. People suffer from not just one but multiple illnesses. Even small children are not spared. The joy of life, once the birth right of beings, has been replaced by the pain of having to carry […]
Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals

Alliance for Natural Health International There have been very few studies looking at how those who’ve elected to rely on natural immunity and natural products, as compared with those who’ve consented to COVID-19 genetic vaccines, the latter who may or may not have, also tried to optimize their immune systems, fare when it comes to COVID-19. […]