Ethics of Vaccine Refusal

Michael Kowalik Proponents of vaccine mandates typically claim that everyone who can be vaccinated has a moral or ethical obligation to do so for the sake of those who cannot be vaccinated, or in the interest of public health. I evaluate several previously under-theorised premises implicit to the ‘obligation to vaccinate’ type of arguments and […]
The Real Reason Vaccine Mandates are Wrong

Julie Ponesse The sinking ship of the mandate enthusiasts took on more water last month with the publication of a powerhouse paper by some of the world’s top bioethicists (from Oxford, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Toronto). … This paper is the evidential manna-from-heaven that those fighting the mandates have been praying for. Thank goodness it […]
Open Letter to the Health Minister Regarding Health Canada’s Use of the mRNA Vaccines

Canadian Covid Care Alliance The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are using gene therapy technology in which the active product, the encoded spike protein, is not actually part of the formulation. Health Canada has used an inappropriate guidance document for the regulatory review, contrary to Good Scientific Practice, effectively compromising the safety of Canadians. Pharmacokinetics, and distribution […]
Too Many Physicians Are Ignorant, Cowards or Just Biased

Joel S. Hirschhorn After truth-telling in my writings for about two years, I remain saddened that the vast majority of the public remains victimized by propaganda in favor of vaccines and boosters while ignoring the many truths I and others have been shouting. It now seems essential for all of us who know the truth […]
Why Did So Many Intellectuals Refuse to Speak Out?

Jeffrey A. Tucker Think of all the institutions that have marched in lockstep during the dramatic decline in civilization over three years. It’s been media, Big Tech, large corporations, academia, the medical industry, central banks, and government at all levels. They have all been in on the lie. They sat by and said nothing or […]
Public Health Ethics: Critiques of the “New Normal”

Euzebiusz Jamrozik The global response to the recent coronavirus pandemic has revealed an ethical crisis in public health. This article analyses key pandemic public health policies in light of widely accepted ethical principles: the need for evidence, the least restrictive/harmful alternative, proportionality, equity, reciprocity, due legal process, and transparency. Many policies would be considered unacceptable […]
The Injustice The rates of death and injury from Covid-19 never justi ed the need for these experimental treatments in the rst place. Not to mention the fact that a number of safe and proven treatments are readily available. However, to admit this would have precluded an Emergency Use Authorization which is what enabled the authorities […]
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Vaccinate a Human

Mike Campbell The study involved about 200 hungry mosquitos biting a human subject’s arm. Human participants placed their arms directly over a small box full of the bloodsuckers. “We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes,” said researcher Dr. Sean Murphy, as reported by NPR. Three to five “vaccinations” took place over 30-day intervals. […]