What is Autotransfusion?

SafeBloodDonation No blood is better compatible than your own and is therefore always the best option in cases where your own blood can be used in surgery. In addition to autologous blood donation, where you donate your own blood before a planned surgery, there are other options. Autotransfusion is a medical process in which a […]
Modern Medicine: A Castle Built on Sand?

Patricia Harrity All scientific research is built on particular dogmas including, or perhaps especially, biomedicine. It’s easier for some “scientists” to perpetuate falsehoods than it is to admit they were wrong, abandon long standing ideas, and start again from scratch. Many scientists would rather pursue trendy research areas in order to win accolades and secure […]
Why Listen to an Anesthesiologist in the Middle of a Pandemic?

Madhava Setty Primum non nocere, “first and foremost, I will do no harm” is a massive commitment, and, as it turns out, nuanced. How does a doctor know that they are not causing harm? They don’t. What doctors are really promising is that “given what I know, I will act and advise my patients in […]
Warp Speed Training of Medical Professionals

Byran W. Bridle A question was raised about how to deal with the burn-out and general shortage of medical professionals. Dr. Kieran Moore, Medical Officer of Health for the province of Ontario, Canada, contributes to the answer starting at 59\32. … Apparently, announcements about how the government will be addressing these issues will be forthcoming. […]
What is the Story Behind Sudden Death Syndromes?

A Midwestern Doctor When you study the history of medicine, you will frequently observe that the nature of disease completely changes depending on the era and these forgotten sides of medicine can be found within many di erent sources and medical systems. As far as I know, Chinese medicine provides the most detailed picture of […]
The Elements of Medical Malpractice: An Overview

Gregg J. Gittler and Ellie J. C. Goldstein Most physicians will be involved in a medical malpractice case sometime in their career in one of several capacities, such as a defendant, a treating physician, or an expert witness. Proving that malpractice has been committed is based on substantiation of a variety of elements and issues. […]
Anthroposophic Medicine: An Integrative Medical System Originating in Europe

Gunver S. Kienle et al. Anthroposophic medicine is an inte- grative multimodal treatment sys- tem based on a holistic understand- ing of man and nature and of disease and treatment. It builds on a concept of four levels of formative forces and on the model of a three-fold human constitution. Anthroposophic medicine is integrated with […]
D. Y. O. R.! Do Your Own Research!

Mike Stone As I have continued to see this ridiculous “don’t do your own research” slogan pop up many times throughout the last few years, I wanted to highlight excerpts from a few of these sources in order to stress the utter insanity in this line of thinking and attack. Reading from these pieces is […]