Antibodies & Immunity: Dispelling Two More Myths

Dawn Lester The immune system is claimed to ‘remember’ each antigen so that it can protect itself through the production of the ‘right antibodies’ against a further attack by that antigen. This ‘protection’ is referred to as ‘immunity’ … It is clear that antibodies and immunity are inextricably interconnected and that both are entirely reliant […]
How to Cultivate Health Instead of Managing Disease

Joseph Mercola In “Dying to Be Free: How America’s Ruling Class Is Killing and Bankrupting Americans, and What to Do About It,” Dr. Leland Stillman shares his views on conventional and alternative healthcare systems, and how an entirely new healthcare system can, and is, being built that is focused on maintaining health rather than managing […]
How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma and Waged War on Natural Cures t’s high time that people realized that western medicine or allopathy (mainstream medicine), which focuses on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, drugs, and more drugs, is a money- spinning Rockefeller creation. When someone talks about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practices, some people may look like a weirdo after hearing […]
Hippocratic vs. Technocratic Medicine

Aaron Kheriaty Many of our technocrats seem undeterred by the failure of public health policies and associated new technologies to mitigate the COVID pandemic. Consider, for example, Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines. How successful was this technology in its first large- scale trial run in humans?
Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud

F. William Engdahl One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For […]
Pleomorphism and Germ Theory Explained

Elizabeth Clemons The accepted biological paradigm today, which has led to the development of the pleomorphism and germ theory, is Monomorphism (Gr. mónos: single + morphē: form). This paradigm, developed by Louis Pasteur and other scientists, states that all microorganisms only have one possible form and do not have the ability to evolve into different […]
Why Primum Non Nocere?

Francis Christian Who must we first not harm? Without doubt, the human body itself – itself the hero that is born, grows, fends off disease and heals itself against almost impossible odds. To inflict harm against this miraculous repository of structure and function and self- correcting aberrations is bad enough. But to do so carelessly […]
Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines through Real Evidence-based Medicine – Part 1

Aseem Malhotra In response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), several new pharmaceutical agents have been administered to billions of people worldwide, including the young and healthy at little risk from the virus. Considerable leeway has been afforded in terms of the pre-clinical and clinical testing of these agents, despite an entirely novel […]