A Convergence of Evidence: Flower Essence Therapy in the Treatment of Major Depression
Jeffrey R. Cram This article presents the findings of a series of studies conducted to determine the clinical efficacy of flower essences on the treatment of mild to moderate depression. … Five independent clinical outcome studies are presented, each lending evidence towards understanding the clinical effects of flower essences on the treatment of depression. … […]
Traditional Remedies for Childhood Illnesses
Sarah Pope Thomas Je erson once said that if people let the government decide which foods they eat and which medicines they take into their bodies, they will nd themselves in as sorry a state as the souls of those who live under tyranny. From the moment our children are born, they are put on […]
Colds & Flu – A Homeopathic Perspective
Nancy Gahles … when a person becomes ill, there is often a precipitating cause. Perhaps it is a seasonal change, a traumatic occurrence in their life, environmental factors or dietary indiscretions. Each person has their own sensitivities and will be susceptible to factors that another person would not be. It can happen that everyone in […]
Effectiveness of Honey for Symptomatic Relief in Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Hibatullah Abuelgasim et al. What is already known about this subject? Honey is a well known lay therapy for symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs); other medications for URTIs are ineffective and can have harmful side effects The use of antibiotics for URTIs is a particular problem, because they are ineffective, and contribute to […]
Ayurveda: A Brief Introduction and Guide
Vasant Lad Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. Knowledge of Ayurveda enables one to understand how to create this balance of body, mind and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution and […]
Top 13 Antiviral Herbs that will Help Against Covid-19
Ayurvedic India What plants have antivirals? These herbs can be taken as an infusion, tincture, or capsules. Many are common in Mediterranean regions and can also be used in cooking such as basil, sage, and oregano.
Gentle Little Souls: Everyday Uses for the Humble Tissue Salt
Miranda Castro Schüssler investigated the chemical make-up of human cells and found that certain mineral salts were common to all cells and tissues. His basic theory revolves around the belief that the tissues or cells of the body can be broken down chemically into twelve inorganic mineral salts … He believed that disturbances in the […]
Own a Homeopathic First Aid Kit
Joette Calabrese “Sticks and stones may break my bones,” is a favorite children’s taunt. How often we have heard this yet prayed it would never happen! Nevertheless, should an injury occur, there’s nothing more comforting than the homeopathic first aid kit. First aid is the arena in which most people are introduced to homeopathy. Every […]