The Case FOR Homeopathic Medicine: The Historical and Scientific Evidence
Dana Ullman A lot of people today are confused about what homeopathy is (and isn’t), and this situation is not helped by the skeptics of homeopathy who go to incredible extents to exaggerate and misconstrue what homeopathic medicine is and who commonly provide misinformation about it. It is more than a tad ironic that these […]
Homeopathy and Anemia
Anke Zimmermann Anemia is de ned as a decrease in the total amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood (the iron-containing molecules in our red blood cells that carry oxygen) or a lowered ability of the blood to carry oxygen for another reason. Because all human cells require oxygen to function, low […]
Bowel Nosodes – a Boon to Homoeopathy
C. P. Sharma et al. Bowel nosodes are the medicines prepared by attenuating the cultures of non-lactose fermenting bacilli of intestinal flora. The concept of bowel nosodes was developed first by Dr Edward Bach (1886-1936) and continued by John Paterson (1890- 1955) and his wife, Elizabeth. With due time, bowel nosodes have proven to be […]
Agrohomeopathy: An Emerging Field of Agriculture for Higher Crop Productivity and Protection of Plants against Various Stress Conditions
Sushobhan Sen et al. Agrohomeopathy is one of the newest approaches in agricultural research. In recent years various scientific studies showed that potentised homeopathic medicines can alter physiological activities of plants. It can alter the rate of enzymatic activities, total sugar, protein and cholophyll contents in plants. Eradication of biotic and abiotic stresses upto some […]
Homeopathy: A Healthier Way to Treat Depression?
Dana Ullman There are numerous theories for why the number of people suffering from mental illness is increasing and why it is afflicting people at younger and younger ages. The homeopathic analysis for this epidemic is unique and may provide additional insight as to why this is occurring. … Homeopaths, like modern-day physiologists, understand that […]
Homeopathic Medicine and the Immune System
Dana Ullman … there are two primary approaches to treating ill people. He said that there are therapeutic techniques that directly impact specific symptoms, and there are methods that stimulate the body’s own immune and defense system. Whereas conventional medical treatments today tend to focus on the former goal of treating or controlling symptoms, various […]
The Use of Complementary Alternative Medicine in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Melissa DeFilippis Complementary alternative medicine (CAM) is used to a greater degree in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), when compared to children and adolescents without this diagnosis. There is limited evidence supporting the use of many of these treatments in ASD, despite their popularity. Current FDA approved medications for ASD target associated […]
Safer, Homeopathic Alternatives for Children with ADHD
Dana Ullman Hyperactivity and its related syndromes (ADD: attention deficit disorder; and ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has become America’s #1 childhood psychiatric ailment. One of the common drugs to treat children with ADD and ADHD has been Ritalin, and its used has become so common that some people are calling it “vitamin R.” It […]