Why Homeopathy Makes Sense and Works

Water Drop

Dana Ullman As you will learn from this article, homeopathic medicine has its own sophisticated system of using substances from the plant, mineral, chemical, and animal kingdoms. This article will describe–in a modern and even futuristic fashion–this fascinating and powerful method of strengthening the body’s own defense system.

CEASE Therapy – Misconceptions and Truths

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Anke Zimmermann CEASE Therapy is suddenly receiving media attention as well-funded skeptics groups are trying to discredit and limit access to homeopathy and homeopathic remedies around the world. For interested parties, here is a short summary of what CEASE is and isn’t.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Holistic Homeopathy – Part 2

Boy in White Long Sleeve Shirt Playing Puzzle

Parful Barvalia … Reduction of autistic features and rehabilitation into mainstream society of the child can be achieved through the classical homeopathic approach. We take into account sensory pattern, kinetic state, regressive state, features pertaining to affects and mood and qualified aspects to ascertain the totality of the cases. Autism is a multi- factorial phenomenon, […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Holistic Homeopathy – Part 1

Boy in White Long Sleeve Shirt Playing Puzzle

Praful Barvalia For almost a century, the medical profes- sion has struggled to comprehend and work out ways to handle childhood disorders like ADHD as well as autism. Stimulants, tran- quillizers, hypnotics etc. have been used from time to time to deal with these disor- ders with varying degrees of results, but mainly short-term or […]


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newmedicineonline.com … here is a very basic understanding of the autistic state from the perspective of German New Medicine. Emotional disorders such as Autism involve multiple biological conflict-shocks in opposing halves of the brain, referred to as constellations. In other words, one active conflict on each hemisphere in direct opposition. Think a constellation of stars […]

The 12 Tissue Salts or Cell Salt Remedies

schüssler, tablets, homeopathy

Peter Brodhead The “ Homeopathic” system of the Cell Salt remedies was developed by Dr.Schuessler a German doctor in the late 1880’s. He analyzed the ash residue of human cells and found 12 inorganic mineral salts. He theorized that these 12 elements are critical to balancing cellular activity and health and made 12 homeopathic remedies […]

Constitutional Prescribing for Children

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Randall Neustaedter In this issue I would like to share some of my experience working with children and to focus on a few areas that I have found are central in children’s cases. These all involve constitutional prescribing and apply to the child who has been brought for Homœopathy because of symptoms being out of […]

Drug Provings

person grinding on mortar and pestle

William Boericke The proving of medicines is a distinctive feature of Homoeopathy and a logical necessity for applying the law of cure, for in order to meet morbid states with drugs corresponding to them, we must know, and therefore ascertain, what morbid states the different medicinal substances produce. It consists in the systematic testing of […]