What is Meridian Tapping?
Christine Morgan Meridian Tapping or Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) are techniques that utilize meridians (or acupressure points) to decrease or resolve negative emotions and/or emotionally based physical issues. MTT is actually an “umbrella” term covering several energy-based tapping therapies. Some of these therapies include: Accutap, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Pro-ER (Progressive Emotional Release), EMDR (Eye […]
Autoimmune Diseases in Chinese Medicine – Part 2
Giovanni Maciocia Obviously there is no theory of “autoimmune” diseases in Chinese medicine. However, by analyzing the nature of autoimmunity and of the Chinese correspondent of the immune system (which I shall call “defence system”) , we can formulate certain theories. In my opinion, autoimmunity implies seven aspects from a Chinese perspective which set it […]
The Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases with TCM – Part 1
Giovanni Maciocia Chinese medicine does not have a single explanation of the autoimmune pathology as obviously ancient Chinese medicine could not have such a view of the immune system. One can of course use a Chinese identification of patterns for each of these diseases and treat them successfully, but that does not really explain the […]
Use of Reiki as a Biofield Therapy: An Adjunct to Conventional Medical Care
Sangeeta Singg Reiki is a noninvasive, nondiagnostic, and nondirective hands-on healing therapy which is believed to promote healing and a state of well-being in all living things. In recent years, its popularity has increased and as a bio eld or energy therapy it is being used as a complementary modality with the conventional medical care […]
Manual Lymphatic Drainage: Exploring the History and Evidence Base
Anne Williams Over 100 years ago, Winiwarter, a German surgeon, described the use of massage to ‘promote resorption’ of fluid from swollen tissues in people with lymphoedema (Winiwarter, 1892: 397). In the present day, manual lymph drainage (MLD), a type of massage, has become established as an integral part of lymphoedema treatment. However, the limited […]
Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy: A Systematic Review
Babar Ali et al. Nowadays, use of alternative and complementary therapies with mainstream medicine has gained the momentum. Aromatherapy is one of the complementary therapies which use essential oils as the major therapeutic agents to treat several diseases. The essential or volatile oils are extracted from the flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits and other […]
Chromo Therapy – An Effective Treatment Option or Just a Myth?? Critical Analysis on the Effectiveness of Chromo Therapy Therapy
Somia Gul et al. Chromo therapy or commonly color therapy falls under the category of Complementary and Alternative Medicine System (CAMS) of treatment by utilizing electromagnetic radiations with different frequencies which effects human nuerohormonal pathways and can be helpful to cure diseases. It is one of the most successful ancient practices which are now gaining […]
Sound Healing Using Solfeggio Frequencies
Sonya Joseph This research paper intends to educate individuals how they can use music therapy, electromagnetic sound frequencies and Solfeggio Sound science to heal mind, body and spirit. We will research Sound healing using solfeggio frequencies and i it can be an effective tool in heal generational trauma and DNA.