The Goal of Chiropractic Health Care

brown and black clipboard with white spinal cord print manual

R. C. Schafer The essential element of chiropractic health care is enabling the patient to affect his internal homeostatic mechanisms and thereby achieve or maintain health. In order for this to be done, the inherent recuperative powers of the body must be influenced. Inherent growth, maintenance, and recuperative powers are collectively called innate intelligence. There […]

Orthomolecular Treatment for Depression, Anxiety & Behavior Disorders

man standing in front of the window

Raymond J. Pataracchia Orthomolecular medicine can be helpful in treating the biochemical imbalances of mood and behaviour disorders. This broad grouping of disorders includes anxiety, severe depression, bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, hormonal depression, other endogenous depressions (cyclothymia, seasonal affective disorder), OCD, ADHD, ODD and, addictive behavior. Mood and behavior disorders have similar nutritional imbalance pro […]

Homeopathic Detoxification with CEASE Therapy

closed eye boy laying on brown maple leaves

Cilla Whatcott CEASE stands for “Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression”1 and was devised by the late Tinus Smits, MD, a Dutch physician deeply touched by the suffering of children. Hundreds of practitioners (homeopaths, naturopaths and medical doctors) throughout the world have successfully used his method after receiving training and becoming certified. CEASE therapy engages […]

How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections

Joseph Mercola Hydrogen peroxide sits inside and outside cells of your cells in low levels, ready and waiting to be generated in greater amounts as soon as a pathogen is detected by your immune system. Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide into your sinuses, throat and lungs is a simple, straightforward way to augment your body’s natural expression […]

How Pine Can Benefit Your Respiratory Health

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Natures Wild Medicine Pine trees have shown remarkable health benefits for all sorts of symptoms and ailments including cardiovascular health and female health issues including menopause, but especially for respiratory health. Pretty much all of the pine tree from the needles to the bark to the oils and the nuts, have shown to elicit some […]

Gemmotherapy: A Powerful Modality for Treating Allergies

Robin DiPasquale Gemmotherapy remedies are extracted from the buds, the new shoots, and the new rootlets of a plant. Many of the bud extracts are prepared from trees – some familiar to herbalists, as well as many other trees not generally used in herbal medicine. The new shoots come from the shrubs, Ribes nigrum among them. The […]

Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi is a Promising Candidate for the Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases

person in blue shirt showing left hand

Jun Wang et al. Autoimmune diseases a group of disorders elicited by unexpected outcome of lymphocytes self-tolerance failure, and the common members of which include multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes mellitus, etc. The pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases is not fully understood and the current therapeutic regimen’s […]

Dreams and Evidence Based Practice

woman sleeping on blue throw pillow

Douglas Thomas A review of empirical research into the therapeutic benefits of working with clients’ dreams in therapy finds there are benefits to restoring dream work to psychotherapy as an empirically supported best practice. The practice trend away from dreams appears to be due primarily to a lack of therapist training.