From Seafood to Sunshine: A New Understanding of Vitamin D Safety

two silver fishes on round white ceramic plate

Christopher Masterjohn Vitamin D may be one of the most fundamentally important building blocks available to us for creating and sustaining vibrant health. In addition to its classically understood role in bone formation and calcium absorption, research has uncovered myriad roles for vitamin D, ranging from increasing muscular coordination to preventing cancer, heart disease, autoimmune […]

Vitamin D Supplementation: Panacea or Potential Problem?

yellow leaves on tree during daytime

Pam Schoenfeld Vitamin D blood testing and oral supplementation have become an almost routine part of conventional medical care. Unfortunately, the results of a vitamin D blood test do not always reflect the true picture of an individual’s vitamin D status, and whether or not supplementation is warranted and in what amount. There is a […]

Pomegranate for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: An Update

bunch of fruits

Pooja Sharma et al. Pomegranate for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: An Update Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and those who survive cancer may experience lasting difficulties, including treatment side effects, as well as physical, cognitive, and psychosocial struggles. Naturally-occurring agents from dietary fruits and vegetables have received […]

Possible Beneficial Effects of Fresh Pomegranate Juice in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Conditions

clear drinking glass with red liquid on brown wooden table

Saleem Ali Banihani Rather than the prophylactic vaccination, any effective synthetic, natural, or nutritional therapy or regimen that may cure or remedy, albeit partially, the complications of SARS-CoV-2 should be highly acknowledged. Here, we reviewed and discussed possible beneficial biological effects of pomegranate juice in such diseased condition of viral infection based on the current […]

The Dangers of Copper Deficiency and Iron overload

Joseph Mercola Iron and copper are highly interdependent and need to be considered together. Low ferritin is rarely indicative of low iron. In most cases, it’s a sign that copper insufficiency is preventing proper iron recycling. Copper deficiency will down-regulate several genes, including aldose reductase-1 (which plays a crucial role in glucose and fructose metabolism), […]

microRNA Are the Real Regulators of Gene Transcription

Pomegranate and orange fruits

Jennifer Depew MicroRNA are non-coding short lengths of nucleotides (19-23 nucleotides) that have regulatory control over whether an mRNA will be transcribed into a protein or degraded by the cell. MicroRNAs affect specific mRNA and their proteins but may be able to affect 100s of them so it is not a simple thing to study […]

Short-Term Benefits and Long-Term Damage Ingesting Probiotics, Antiobiotics and Enzymes

person holding red bottle

Robert O. Young Taking probiotics and enzymes can have perceived health benefits with many long-term harmful effects! Probiotics and enzymes are acidifying to the body and therefore should not be ingested for long periods of time. Probiotics are biological transformations of what use to be healthy organized matter into bacteria, yeast and/or mold. All bacteria […]

Borax, Boron, Boric Acid and Your Health

Amandha Dawn Vollmer Elemental boron, boron oxide, borates, and many organoboron compounds are non-toxic to humans and animals. … Small amounts of borax are very beneficial, please read the info to understand. Boron is very much needed for a healthy body. According to conventional medicine, it is not known if boron is essential for humans […]