COVID-19 Prevention: Vitamin D Is Still a Valid Remedy

Different Medicines Placed on White Surface

Rachel Nicoli and Michael Y. Henein Seven meta-analyses and systematic reviews and three later clinical trials argued that low vitamin D status increased susceptibility to COVID-19 and the risk of greater disease severity and mortality [1–10]. Furthermore, there are five meta-analyses and systematic reviews of vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of acute respiratory infection […]

Protective Mechanism of Quercetin and Its Derivatives in Viral-induced Respiratory Illnesses

red and white onion bulbs

Wahyu Choirur Rizky et al. Globally, acute respiratory illnesses are the most commonly manifesting illness in all age group. The disease mostly affects the upper respiratory tract (URT) and is self-limiting. However, a small percentage progresses to lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI). The most important causative agents of severe LRTIs are bacteria and viruses. Various […]

Quercetin Health Benefits Include the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease and Certain Cancers

Fresh Vegetables on Brown Wooden Table

Joseph Mercola Quercetin has been shown to combat inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine. Several studies have highlighted quercetin’s ability to prevent and treat both the common cold and influenza. Other, less-known benefits and uses for quercetin include the prevention and/or treatment of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, certain cancers, gout, arthritis […]

Borax Cures and Health Benefits Commonly used as a natural cleaning agent, borax’s reported number of successful treatments and health benefits are extensive. Additionally, this remedy is easy to make and very inexpensive. Earth Clinic readers have used the borax remedy for over 15 years to treat chronic illnesses, including autoimmune diseases, hormone problems, and chronic pain. Sodium borate […]

Nutritional Therapeutics and COVID-19

FLCCC Alliance Some commonly used ingredients have therapeutic properties and can help reduce inflammation and boost the body’s immune system.

Possible Beneficial Effects of Fresh Pomegranate Juice in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Conditions

clear drinking glass with red liquid on brown wooden round table

Saleem Ali Banihani Rather than the prophylactic vaccination, any effective synthetic, natural, or nutritional therapy or regimen that may cure or remedy, albeit partially, the complications of SARS-CoV-2 should be highly acknowledged. Here, we reviewed and discussed possible beneficial biological effects of pomegranate juice in such diseased condition of viral infection based on the current […]