No Indication to Support Suggestions of a Marburg Pandemic

Person Holding Petri Dish

World Council for Health The World Council for Health (WCH) is continuously monitoring the emergence of new and old diseases around the world with potential for health concerns. Recent news from Ghana has confirmed two cases of Marburg virus, which were reported by Ghana Health Service on Monday, July 18, 2022. Two people diagnosed with […]

THE 1968-69 “Hong Kong Flu” Pandemic Revisited

Jeffrey A. Tucker It was a very bad year for the flu. The pathogen came in two large waves. This is only obvious in retrospect. At the time, not so much. Life went on as normal. There were gatherings. There were parties. There was travel. There were no masks. Doctors treated the sick. Traditional public […]

Bacterial and Fungal Isolation from Face Masks under the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Ah-Mee Park et al. The COVID-19 pandemic has led people to wear face masks daily in public. Although the effectiveness of face masks against viral transmission has been extensively studied, there have been few reports on potential hygiene issues due to bacteria and fungi attached to the face masks … We surveyed 109 volunteers on […]

7 Reasons to End Mask Mandates for Good: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and All People

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World Council for Health Mask wearing has become commonplace around the world. Though mandates have been lifted in many places, some individuals continue to still wear a mask, particularly in indoor spaces. And with predicted waves of Covid-19 to continue into the fall and winter, there are concerns that public health authorities will reinstate mask […]

20 Bizarre Causes of Death that the Media is Blaming on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

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Daniel Horowitz It’s become a common theme throughout the world since 2021 (not 2020): There is a spike in excess deaths and sudden unexplained deaths, including among younger people. It sounds kind of important, right? Shouldn’t we seek to investigate all the variables that have changed since 2021? The fact that the human race is […]

Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe

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Beny Spira Masking was the single most common non-pharmaceutical intervention in the course of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Most countries have implemented recommendations or mandates regarding the use of masks in public spaces. The aim of this short study was to analyse the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in […]

The Court Decision That Could Help Fix Canadian Healthcare

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Christine Van Geyn One thing the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed with painful clarity is the woeful inadequacy of Canada’s healthcare system. The system showed that it could not handle the onslaught, but even now, as COVID cases and hospitalizations have been trending down, multiple Ontario hospitals are overwhelmed. The system is in dire need of […]

The Biggest Public Health Threat Is Not a Virus but a Weakened Immune System

Carla Peeters A growing list of scientific studies have now shown that immunity following natural infection provides durable protection often far better than immunity following Covid-19 vaccination. Several governments focus on mandated vaccination. However natural immunity and a strong immune system are what are really needed to build full protection and a healthier population. … […]