Updated John Hopkins Study on Lockdowns Debunks the Fact Checkers

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Thorsteinn Siglaugsson Last January, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise published a working paper which showed clearly how lockdowns across the world did not affect Covid-19 mortality at all. The paper, is written by economists Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung and Steve H. Hanke, now appearing in […]

How Bad Was It? Reflecting on the Last Two Years

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Rob Verkerk In the wake of the Better Way conference (/news/a-better-way-for-a-better-world-bath-2022/) in Bath (UK), it’s been nothing short of mind-blowing sharing time over the last two weeks with fellow activists for better health systems, if that’s how we should refer to what we’re trying to co-create. With some irony, it is the orchestrated, global deception […]

Lockdowns, Closures, and the Loss of Moral Clarity

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Jeffrey A. Tucker … Recent surveys of people in forced covid isolation have found that some 30% develop strong symptoms of PTSD over the course of weeks. In this case, an already imbalanced kid found personal meaning through his own perceived “race” identity. He invented a sense of belongingness through an imagined artificial solidarity with […]

CDC Refuses to Post the Fix to Its Mask Study

Mother Putting a Face Mask on her Daughter

Paul Elias Alexander … A CDC study by Budzyn et al. published in the MMWR on October 1st 2021 (Pediatric COVID-19 Cases in Counties With and Without School Mask Requirements — United States, July 1–September 4, 2021), reported that “Counties without school mask requirements experienced larger increases in pediatric COVID-19 case rates after the start […]

The Politics of Natural Infection

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Jeffrey A. Tucker From the very outset of this pandemic, the topic of natural infection has been a taboo. To suggest that anyone might have been better off risking infection and thereby gaining immunity from a respiratorial virus rather than hiding under the sofa for two years was seen as outrageous and irresponsible.  My theory […]

Authoritarian Pandemic Policies: A Reckoning

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John H.S. Aberg With the Corona crisis another chapter was written in the biopolitical book of life. During the last two years, we have observed an unprecedented level of irrationality and political ill will in dealing with the pandemic. Vaccine mandates, vaccine apartheid, lockdowns, masking of schoolchildren, and ensuing restrictions on our freedom of assembly […]

The Public Health Playbook: Ideas for Challenging the Corporate Playbook

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Jennifer Lacy-Nichols, Robert Marten, Eric Crosbie, Rob Moodie Many commercial actors use a range of coordinated and sophisticated strategies to protect business interests—their corporate playbook—but many of these strategies come at the expense of public health. To counter this corporate playbook and advance health and wellbeing, public health actors need to develop, refine, and modernise […]