How ‘One Health’ Could Become A Global One Health Disaster

Man feeding Cows

Byram W. Bridle … Global experimentation on the public has revealed key problems with mRNA ‘vaccines’ that public health officials decided were not best studied prior their rollout. … The concept of ‘one health’ is that the health of people, animals, and the environment are interlinked and interdependent. The health of one can potentially impact […]

A Few Thoughts on the Surge of RSV Infections

Jeremy R. Hammond First, the return of common viral infections with a vengeance was a predicted outcome of the lockdown measures implemented in early 2020. Second, “viral interference” refers to the observation that viruses can actually compete with each other, so that infection with one virus can affect the ability of other viruses to infect and replicate in host cells. The predominance of […]

Covid-19: A Universe of Questions In a Time of Universal Deceit

Michael Bryant As we approach the third year of the ‘Covid Crisis’, the once unassailable Covid Story – reported and repeated by politicians, public health mandarins and all mainstream media – has been replaced by contradictions and inconsistencies. The original Covid Story narrated by health ‘experts’ and government officials told of a particularly virulent pathogen […]

The REAL Story Behind RSV & the So-Called “Tripledemic”

Kit Knightly The “tripledemic” is upon us, according to the media. What is a “tripledemic”, you ask? Apparently, it’s when we have simultaneous pandemics of influenza, Covid and RSV at the same time. … There’s a trick being played here, and as usual in the age of the “pandemic”, it’s a trick of language. e […]

A Group of 50 BC Doctors Are Challenging Dr. Henry’s Vaccine Mandates in Court

Marty Vandriel During the past two years, Canadians in the medical field who were skeptical about COVID vaccines have faced difficult decisions and challenging work environments. If they were unwilling to be among the first to get the jab, they’d no longer be allowed to work in hospitals and extended care homes. And even as […]

The Story of a Great Delusion

Amandha Dawn Vollmer … The book The Story of a Great Delusion by William White from 1885 discusses the disgusting and deadly practices of the charlatan Edward “Fast Eddy” Jenner with variolation and vaccination regarding cowpox and smallpox that killed and maimed thousands of children. The mothers, particularly, were screaming from the rooftops during this […]

Good for Business: The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Report

man in white long sleeve shirt and pants holding stop sign

David Bell The Lancet recently released its long-awaited COVID-19 commission report. The report well reflects the current state of public health science and addresses the business needs of the Lancet. It may have been naïve to expect more than that, but health is an important area and should be taken more seriously. The level of […]