Strongest Bastion of COVID-19 Agenda in Canada Giving Cracks at Foundation

Andreas Oehler If even Quebec sees this pushback to the Covid-19 agenda, something is really changing in a fundamental way, I hope: “An open letter to the College of Physicians of Quebec and the General Directorate of Public Health of Quebec” (2022.10.19). As it is in French only (how else!), I have quickly translated this […]

Why the COVID-19 Vaccines Could Never Prevent Transmission

A Midwestern Doctor … An understandable degree of outrage has emerged following a recent testimony from a Pfizer executive in front of Belgium’s parliament that the vaccine’s ability to prevent transmission was never tested. I would argue that while this outrage is understandable, the bigger issue is that this lack of testing was abundantly clear […]

The Quarantine of Healthy Populations

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Aaron Kheriaty When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Dr. Bhattacharya turned his attention to the epidemiology of the virus and the effects of lockdown policies. He was one of three co- authors—along with Martin Kulldorff of Stanford and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford—of the Great Barrington Declaration. Many more lives would have been saved, and much misery […]

COVID-19 Vaccines: PANDA’s Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Review Has Found That Mass Covid-19 Vaccination Has Been a Failed Experiment

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PANDA Mass public-health measures always involve a trade-off between expected benefits and known and potential risks or harms. Harms include both short-term and long-term or inter-generational harms (e.g. poverty). Separately, they must at all times comply with basic human rights requirements. These fundamental realities have been ignored in much of the public-health response to the […]

A Critique of the Lancet COVID-19 Commission

David Bell The Lancet recently released its long-awaited COVID-19 commission report. The report well reflects the current state of public health science and addresses the business needs of the Lancet. It may have been naïve to expect further, but health is an important area and should be taken more seriously.  The level of obfuscation of evidence, misrepresentation of […]

Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part II – Beyond the Fear

Bruce Scott In Part I of Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World, I discussed how fearful expectation is deliberately programmed into people (via propaganda, news, et cetera), not just to make people fearful in order to control them, but in order to change their psyche, for the worse. The aim is to harm […]