The Biotech Tipping Point

Guy Hatchard … Excess all-cause mortality is rising around the world, especially in countries with high vaccination rates like New Zealand, Australia, and Portugal. … At what point will people ask why are they constantly falling sick and why are they finding that others are in the same boat? Few people are aware of the […]

We Need a Robust Ethical Framework to Curb the State’s Use of Behavioural Science

Gary Sidley Since the advent of the covid-19 era in early 2020, many countries across the world have deployed behavioural science interventions – often referred to as ‘nudges’ – to strengthen their communication strategies and thereby increase compliance with the pandemic restrictions and subsequent vaccine rollout. These state-sponsored psychological methods of persuasion raise important ethical […]

The Science and Ethics of Water Fluoridation

Howard Cohen and David Locker It is our contention that water fluoridation, by the very nature of the way it is administered, engenders a number of moral dilemmas that do not admit to any easy solution. In this paper, we attempt to elucidate the particular problems posed by this public health initiative, according to the […]

How Masking Contributes to Long Covid

Carla Peeters A lingering disorder that can last for months or years is affecting an increasing proportion of the workforce. The symptoms that contribute to Long Covid could be a result of pandemic measures and masking in particular. Increased exposure to microplastics, nanoparticles, chemicals in masks and nasopharyngeal tests parallel many of the symptoms that […]

Did the CDC Just End COVID-19?

A Midwestern Doctor Many individuals believe the COVID-19 pandemic has been largely from a litany of bad public health policies.  … These guidelines were primarily political rather than scientific and the result of zealous politicians who were highly incompetent, corrupt and likely malicious. Since the time those policies were enacted, a federal investigation confirmed that […]

The Dangers of Monkeypox Hysteria

Thomas Fazi They’ve been repeating it ever since the start of the Covid pandemic: “We are entering an ‘age of pandemics’ — this is just the beginning”. And they’ve been true to their word: no sooner had the threat of Covid started to wane, and most people had started to put the nightmare of the […]

The True Meaning of Masking

Robert Freudenthal “My mask protects you, your mask protects me” is the message that the UK public health authorities and local government have been promoting. … Proponents of this slogan, despite giving significant meaning to the wearing of masks that bears little relationship to the underlying scientific evidence, have been seemingly unable to consider other […]

More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms

Paul Elias Alexander It is not unreasonable to conclude that surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are being used (without other forms of PPE protection), have no impact on controlling the transmission of Covid-19 virus. Current evidence implies that face masks can be actually harmful. The body of evidence indicates that face masks […]