What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?”
A Midwestern Doctor Because these fibrous clots are so unusual they have understandably provoked a great deal of confusion and uncertainty which has led many to grasp for rather unusual explanations over what is occurring. In situations like these, I believe that if a simple and comprehensive explanation can be identified, that represents the best […]
Deep in the Wombs of Women: The Hidden Harm of Covid Vaccines
Mary Beth Pfeiffer Organized by a group called “Where’s my cycle,” the rally focused on intimate revelations: heavy bleeding, unprecedented pain, humiliation, and elemental physical changes. These symptoms began, not coincidentally, at the start of 2021, when women put out their arms and took, or were coerced by employers to take, covid-19 vaccinations. The 300 […]
Long-Term Organ Damage after COVID-19 Vaccines Emerging in Medical Literature
Peter A. McCullough Of all the great tension both doctors and patients have faced in the COVID-19 crisis is the lack of assurances on long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccines … For genetic products which includes mRNA and adenoviral DNA, the minimum time is 5 years … Canney et al studied 1105 patients who had stable […]
Know Your Child’s Seizure Risk from the MMR Vaccine
Physicians for Informed Consent Every year, about 5,700 U.S. children suffer seizures from the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This finding is derived from results of the most statistically powered safety study ever to measure the association between MMR vaccination and febrile seizures. Published in JAMA in 2004, the study evaluated more than half a million children, both […]
The Surge in Childhood Infections: Are mRNA Vaccines the Solution – or the Cause?
Joseph Mercola Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID-19, rhinoviruses and in uenza. Moderna is working on an mRNA jab for RSV, which is scheduled for release in 2023. They’re also working on a combination mRNA jab […]
COVID Vaccines and Organ Transplants: Are Healthcare Providers Ignoring Safety Signals?
Children’s Health Defense Team Since its experimental beginnings in the mid-1950s, organ transplantation has evolved into what the medical community now casually refers to as a “standard-of-care” procedure, albeit one with still substantial failure rates. … In one study, published in September in Transplant Infectious Disease, researchers cataloged acute organ rejection within a week or […]
CDC’s V-Safe Program Did Not Bother to Track a List of 15 Conditions that the CDC’s V-Safe Protocol Identified as “Adverse Events of Special Interest”
ICAN As part of those legal efforts, ICAN’s legal team also tracked down a copy of the CDC’s January 28, 2021 v-safe protocol which reveals something incredible. The v-safe protocol lists a series of 15 “Adverse Events of Special Interest” but, unbelievably, the v-safe program itself does not even track these adverse events! Worse yet, […]
Vaccine-Triggered Acute Autoimmune Myocarditis: Defining, Detecting, and Managing an Apparently Novel Condition
Saidi A. Mohiddin et al. Among the seemingly endless “unknown- unknowns” that the COVID era has foisted on policy makers, public health, health care providers, researchers, and the public is the apparently novel cardiac disease identified in this issue of the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) as ”myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination,” elsewhere as […]