‘Shocking’ V-safe Data Confirm COVID Vaccines ‘Dangerous in the Extreme’

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Joseph Mercola V-safe, a database managed and monitored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is a voluntary “after vaccination health checker” deployed to collect data on those who got the COVID- 19 jab. For the past 15 months, the Informed Consent Action Network has fought a legal battle to get the CDC […]

121 Breastfed Infants Had “Issues” after Maternal Vaccination in Just ONE Study!

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Igor Chudov … The point of th[e] article was to provide a strong confirmation that Covid-19 vaccination in pregnant or lactating women is “safe and effective”. Yeah, it is safe and effective… except for one small problem mentioned in passing… 121 breastfed infants were having problems after their mothers received their booster shots. The nature […]

Pfizer mRNA Spike Protein Found in Deceased Man’s Brain and Heart: Peer-Reviewed Report

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KanekoaTheGreat Dr. Michael Mörz from the Institute for Pathology in Dresden, Germany, published a case study of an autopsy of a 76-year-old deceased man in the journal Vaccines. In the report, spike proteins specifically attributed to COVID-19 vaccination targeted blood vessels in the man’s brain and heart. Incredibly, the report used immunohistochemistry, which uses immune […]

Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate Them

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James Lyons-Weiler, Russell L. Blaylock Controversy over a reported increase in office visits specifically scheduled for illnesses and conditions in children has stalled progress in understanding adverse outcomes associated with an increasingly crowded schedule of pediatric vaccines. Studies finding associations between vaccines and adverse conditions have been targeted for retraction. Here, we revisit data from […]

FDA Refuses to Release Autopsy Results on People Who Died after COVID Vaccines

Zachary Steiber (The Epoch Times) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to release the results of autopsies conducted on people who died after getting COVID-19 vaccines. The FDA says it is barred from releasing medical les, but a drug safety advocate says that it could release the autopsies with personal information redacted. […]

Doctors Call for End to Vaccine Mandates in Healthcare after Deaths of at least 32 Canadian Doctors due to COVID Vaccination

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Rhoda Wilson As of 3 September, Dr. William Makis had identified 32 young Canadian doctors who “died suddenly” in the past 16 months. The doctors were fully Covid “vaccinated.” Dr. Markis’ letter to Smart and Lafontaine, former and current president respectively of the Canadian Medical Association (“CMA”), stated: “I am attaching photos and information of […]

Kidney Transplants Rejected Within Weeks of Receiving Covid Injections

Rhoda Wilson Fourteen days after being injected with an AstraZeneca “vaccine” a 25-year-old woman suffered a transplant rejection. Almost four and a half years earlier she had a successful kidney transplant and she did not report any difficulties until after “vaccination.” A case report published in Nature on 2 March 2022 details this patient’s transplant […]