Solutions to Vaccine Troubles in Ten Sentences

Clayton J. Baker The uncritical, blind faith in vaccines is the preeminent sacred cow of modern medicine. (It happens to be its preeminent cash cow as well.) It is a quasi-religious, dogmatic article of conviction, rather than a sound scientific theory or an empirically-based clinical precept. … Religious faith has tremendous potential for good in […]
More on the Issue of “Placebo” Batches

Sasha Latypova … I am fairly certain that there were no saline placebo batches in broad commercial distribution (with exception of televised injections of government officials and dedicated Pfizer/Moderna employee batches). Here is why. Vax substance visually looks different from normal saline, because it is formulated as a special type of hydrogel. Also, Melissa MacAtee, […]
US State-wise VAERS COVID19 Injection Death Rate Predict State-wise 2021 Excess All Cause Mortality Rate

Hervé Seligmann For the USA, total all cause mortality increased by 613779 deaths in 2021 as compared to 2019 and by 114336 deaths as compared to 2020. This corresponds to an average state-wise increase in age-adjusted all cause mortality rate of about 1 promil in 2021, a 12 percent increase, from 7.96 to 8.93 deaths […]
Batch-independent Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

Max Schmeling, Vibeke Manniche & Peter Riis Hansen … Vaccine vials with individual doses are supplied in batches with stringent quality control to ensure batch and dose uniformity.2 Clinical data on individual vaccine batch levels have not been reported and batch- dependent variation in the clinical efficacy and safety of authorized vaccines would appear to […]
Report Confirms 632x Increase in Child Excess Deaths across Europe Since EMA Approval of COVID Vaccine for Children

The Exposé … in a recent analysis, EuroMOMO, an organization entrusted with official statistical data from European countries, published data that revealed a disheartening correlation between the approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children and a surge in excess deaths among the young ones. … During week 21 of 2021, the European Medicines Agency […]
Is There a Link between the 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality?

Jarle Aarstad & Olav Andreas Kvitastein Purpose: We primarily study a possible link between 2021 COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Europe and monthly 2022 excess all-cause mortality, that is, mortality higher than before the pandemic. Methods and Results: Analyses of 31 countries weighted by population size show that all-cause mortality during the first 9 months of 2022 increased more […]
Show This to People Who Use the ‘It’s-becuase-of-the-high-number-of-shots’ Argument

Jessica Rose The death rate per million doses for COVID is 35.6 versus 0.3 for influenza. That’s 119 times higher. … So if the COVID shots were the same amount of lethal as the influenza shots, then we would see a 2.8:1 death ratio for COVID:FLU – the death ratio is 146:1 in reality. Image: […]
Slide Deck for The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review

Matthew Halma Main points: Image: Spencer Davis @ Unsplash