Whoa! Calling All Pharmacists to Stop the Shots

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Followingthecovidscience … When it comes to these life and death matters (including quality of life and life-long treatment expenses for the vaccine injured) not to mention the mental health of those ordered to actually give the injections, given the reports coming from the field, there must be an extremely high standard of evidence, before further injections […]

Tolerance Cometh: IgG4 After Multiple-mRNA Doses

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Brian Mowrey Spike-overload finally seems to be showing a concrete effect in the repeat-injected: B Cells in two separate cohorts were found to be self-switching to IgG4 class antibodies, associated with tolerance and anti-inflammatory response, after the 3rd dose. … Crescioli, et ak. further offer a theory that immune suppressing IgG4 will have higher affinity […]

Scientific Proof That the mRNA Causes Cancer

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Joel Smalley The homologous recombination DNA repair pathway is one of the mechanisms that the body uses to stop your cells turning cancerous in response to environmental stress. One of the most important components of this pathway is Tumor Protein P53 (p53), the “guardian of the genome”. It protects our cells from cellular damage. Under […]

FDA Authorizes ‘Traditional’ Novavax COVID Vaccine, But Critics Question Safety Claims

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Julie Comber The Novavax vaccine relies on a protein-based technology used for decades, leading some media outlets to portray it as a “traditional” vaccine compared with other COVID-19 vaccines that use newer technologies. … Novavax “may appeal to the sliver of the population allergic to components of the messenger RNA vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, or […]

Novavax – Hope or Hype?

Robyn Chuter … the Novavax vaccine is “being subtly pushed by doctors to get the people who for various reasons did not want the usual culprit vaccines [i.e. the mRNA and viral vector injections, which many resisted due to concerns about novel technologies and adverse reactions] but who may be persuaded that this one is […]