FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal

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Megan Redshaw According to an ex-pharmaceutical industry and biotech executive, documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine suggest the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Moderna colluded to bypass regulatory and scientific standards used to ensure products are safe. Alexandra Latypova has spent 25 years in pharmaceutical […]

Are the Covid mRNA Vaccines Safe?

Patient with Iv Line

Martin Kulldorff A new scientific study entitled “Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA vaccination in randomized trials” provides the best evidence yet concerning the safety of the mRNA Covid vaccines. For most vaccines in common use, benefits far outweigh risks, but that may not be the case for the mRNA covid vaccines, according […]

750+ Studies About the Dangers of the COVID-19 Injections

as of March 31, 2022 Doctors for COVID Ethics Kyle Beattie has shared this extensive curated list of literature references on COVID-19 “vaccine” adverse effects from 2021 and early 2022. Not on this list is Kyle’s own study, which however is very important and illuminating nevertheless: Beattie, K.A. (2021) Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of […]

Is Pfizer Suppressing Vaccine Adverse Events Reports in Infants?

person holding baby's index finger

el gato malo … many children in the VAERS reporting had massive responses with multiple effects. and then they seem to have had no or conflicting follow up. and they seem to be nowhere in the trial results. … this is screaming for investigation. either many doctors all over the world are badly injuring babies […]

An Independent Biosecurity Risk Assessment on the Current Experimental Mass Vaccination Campaign

the new york times newspaper

Jonathan Weissman All the risks listed in the executive summary are described in this risk assessment. Through citing academic experts in internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals or recent preprints, actual pathologies and epidemiological phenomena underpinning these risks are provided. The risks vary in scope from the individual to the entire population. The risks also vary in […]

New Quality-control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination

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Antonietta M. Gatti, Stefano Montanari Vaccines are being under investigation for the possible side e ects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an […]

The Vaccine Rollout is Directly Related to Disability

woman in wheelchair

Joseph Mercola The U.S. population, aged 16 years and over, with a disability remained stable from 2016 to 2020, but jumped sharply in early 2021, coinciding with the rollout of COVID-19 injections. As of May 27, 2022, 14,181 people reported being permanently disabled after receiving COVID-19 shots. In April 2021, U.S. Army lieutenant colonel Harry […]