Internal “Third Degree Burns:” The Spike Protein “BURNS” the Endothelium

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Walter M. Chestnut … The way this is connected to COVID and Long COVID is that, instead of the skin, we are dealing with another organ of LARGE SURFACE AREA: The Endothelium. However, unlike the skin, THE MICROVASCULATURE IS NOT INNERVATED! In other words, we DO NOT FEEL THE “BURN” of the Spike Protein (and […]

IgG4 and Cancer – A Mechanism of Action for Cancer Relapse and Onset

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Jessica Rose I refer you all to a paper published in 2016 in Current Allergy and Asthma Reports entitled: “IgG4 Characteristics and Functions in Cancer Immunity”. This paper reveals that not only is there a link between tumor progression and the presence of IgG4 due to class switching, but that this link might even be […]

Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021

Joseph Mercola Mounting evidence shows the COVID shots are destroying people’s immune systems and are triggering turbo-charged cancers. A survey by Steve Kirsch found sudden death is the No. 1 cause of death among those under the age of 65 who got the COVID jab. Myocarditis as a cause of death is now registering across […]

Effect of LNPs on RBCs to Render Them Dysfunctional – Is Obvious

Jessica Rose The LNPs used in the Pfizer and Moderna formulations are a composite of four different lipids (fats): cationic lipids, polyethylene glycol, phospholipids and cholesterol. The latter two are for structural integrity, PEG is for optimizing distribution and stealth qualities in vivo, and the cationic lipids (+) are to hold the mRNA (-) ‘in […]

Paper for a Parliamentary Peer, So Far Unactioned

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Tess Lawrie So many of us have duly presented such evidence to those with the power to influence policy. I recently received this remarkable paper, based on correspondence by someone who is related to a number of members of the UK’s House of Lords. In it, the relation explains, point by salient point, why she […]

When and How Can Vaccine Particles Hurt You? – A Visualisation Exercise

Marc Girador In this article, I attempt to give a wholistic view on the processes by which adverse effects happen in the hope that it will help as many people as possible address jointly with their physicians their vaccine-induced illness. … Many of my friends tell me: “Marc, there has to be more to it than your […]