Severe COVID, Long COVID, and Spike-protein Induced Systemic Amyloidosis as an Autocatalytic Reaction: It is Not a Question of Amyloid or Prion, It is Dependent on the Rate of Protein Autocatalysis and the Host’s Ability to Contain it – The Spike Protein as Novel “Prioloid”

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Walter M. Chestnut … the Spike Protein behaves as BOTH A PRION AND AN AMYLOID! A TALE OF TWO RACES: THE BODY VS A VIRAL INFECTION, THE BODY VS A SECONDARILY INDUCED PROTEINACEOUS INFECTION The “doses” are being repeatedly given. Over and over. Infection. Transfection. Who among us can halt the “autocatalytic turnover of the […]

Phospholipase Enzymes as Potential Biomarker for SARS CoV-2 Virus

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D.V.D. Hemalika Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS CoV-2) is the responsible pathogenic RNA virus which is responsible for current ongoing pandemic covid 19. This review provides an updated summary of the current knowledge of phospholipase enzymes and its role on SARS CoV-2 virus, discussing the reported evidence as a potential bio marker […]

Thunder Out of China

Scientist in Laboratory

Yuri Deigin The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been, and continues to be, a public health catastrophe—the most serious in a century. Questions about the origins of COVID-19 are, at once, matters of legal, financial, and moral concern. For the moment, researchers can do no better than to hope for an inference to the best explanation; […]

A Call for an Independent Inquiry into the Origin of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Neil L. Harrison, Jeffrey D. Sachs Since the identification of theSARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China, in January 2020, the origin of the virus has been a topic of intense scientific debate and public speculation. The two main hypotheses are that the virus emerged from human exposure to an infected animal [“zoonosis”] or that it emerged in […]