“Settling The Virus Debate” Statement

Tom Cowan et al. It has been more than two years since the onset of the “corona” crisis, which changed the trajectory of our world. The fundamental tenet of this crisis is that a deadly and novel “virus”, SARS-CoV-2, has spread around the world and negatively impacted large segments of humanity. Central to this tenet […]

Officials Investigate How Bird Flu Contaminated Vaccines in Europe

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Helen Branswell Officials are trying to get to the bottom of how vaccine manufacturer Baxter International Inc. made “experimental virus material” based on a human flu strain but contaminated with the H5N1 avian flu virus and then distributed it to an Austrian company. … Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses […]

Did ‘Catastrophic Accident’ Start COVID-19?

Joseph Mercola According to a “senior European politician,” World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus con ded to him in private that he believes COVID-19 was the result of a catastrophic accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. In late 2020, the WHO established a scientific advisory group to investigate the origin […]

Brain Changes after COVID Revealed by Imaging

Randy L. Gollub Imaging before and after infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus reveals substantial changes in the brain after infection. The work sets an example for the high standards required in large longitudinal neuroimaging studies.

What Happened to the Lab-leak Hypothesis?

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Matt Ridley, Alina Chan Eschewing speculation and sticking to what we could prove, we delved deep into the evidence and wove together the threads that linked bat viruses from southern China or Southeast Asia with an outbreak in Wuhan in late 2019. We concluded that it was impossible to be sure yet, but two theories […]

The “Lab-Leak Theory” Returns … As Yet Another Fake Binary

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Kit Knightly … The “Lab-leak theory” – which pushes the idea Sars-Cov-2 was bio-engineered in a lab as a “gain-of-function” program, and then either accidentally or deliberately released on an unsuspecting population – first came to the front pages as early as January 2020. At the time it was deemed a “racist” “anti-china” conspiracy theory” […]

SARS-CoV-2 IS Associated with Changes in Brain Structure in UK Biobank

Gwenaëlle Douaud et all. There is strong evidence of brain-related abnormalities in COVID-191–13. However, it remains unknown whether the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection can be detected in milder cases, and whether this can reveal possible mechanisms contributing to brain pathology. … Many of our results were found using imaging biomarkers of grey matter thickness or […]

“Monkeypox” is Only Circulating in Countries where the Population Have Been Given the Pfizer Vaccine & is being Used to Advance a Technocratic Great Reset

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The Exposé Since around the middle of May 2022, you will have most likely heard or seen the word Monkeypox mentioned numerous times in the mainstream media. Allegedly, for the first time since its discovery among humans in Africa over 50 years ago, the monkeypox virus is circulating throughout several countries including the USA, UK, […]