Canada Health Alliance

Electricity and Human Consciousness


Without taking account of the relation between bio-electrical processes in the human body and electromagnetic processes in the earth, in other words body electricity and earth electricity, it will not be possible to understand clearly by what means the scientific-technological development of modem times has influenced, and continues to influence with increasing severity, the moral nature of human beings (1). Naturally, the discovery of electricity and electromagnetism as well as their practical application, show a variety of facets. Electricity and electromagnetism are, of course, forces of nature that can affect the life of beings either beneficially or destructively, depending on their application. In medicine, electrotherapy can assist the healing process if correctly applied. But precisely the effects of magnetic fields have not been sufficiently investigated regarding their role in, say, the emergence of various disorders of the immune system like AIDS, in allergies, in chronic fatigue syndrome or certain types of cancer.

In addition, electromagnetic fields do possess an inner spiritual quality that must not be allowed to take hold of the human being completely. And exactly as electrical and electromagnetic phenomena display their effectiveness outwardly in physical matter, so they influence inwardly the moral constitution of human beings in the absence of their having taken protective measures against them.

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