Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria


Anytime you have the movement of charged particles you create an electromagnetic field. People don’t realize that electromagnetism is the foundation of life, it’s what controls biochemistry. Imagine going into a room where you hear every kind of music being played really loudly, you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself or communicate with other people. This is what our cells are experiencing when they’re in high EMF environments. They can’t function properly and they become very stressed. Energy is transduced into vibrations. Light waves and sound waves are converted into vibrations in the cell and these vibrations alter molecular structure and function. Every cell, every organelle, every molecule, they resonate at certain frequencies. Mitochondria generate a field that’s stronger than lightning. This is about 30 million volts per meter. The mitochondrial membrane potential is the result of the charge difference between the inner and the outer membrane. This is about negative 140 millivolts. Literally this is pretty shocking right. – How much electric field in such a small space.

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