Canada Health Alliance

Fluoride Added to Drinking Water Contributes to Rising Rates of ADHD, Lower IQs in Kids

Joseph Mercola

More than 400 animal and human studies show uoride is a neurotoxic substance, and many have found harm at, or precariously close to, the levels millions of American pregnant women and children receive.

A 1 mg-per-day increase in the uoride a mother gets from drinking water may lower the IQ of her child by 3.7 points.

Infants fed baby formula made with fluoridated water have lower IQs than those fed formula made with unfluoridated water. An increase of 0.5 mg/L of fluoride corresponds with a 4.4 point lower IQ score at age 3 to 4.

Fluoride may have an adverse impact on sleep by preferentially accumulating in the pineal gland, thereby inhibiting the production of melatonin.

Image: Jacek Dylag @ Unsplash

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