Hado, The Energy of Life

Over the years, there have been many claims made about water, ranging from the mundane and ordinary to the bizarre and somewhat ludicrous. A concept that many people have difficulty understanding is a concept known as homeopathy, or the idea of water having a “memory” of sorts. While homeopathy has yet to be accepted by the majority of the scientific community, further hypotheses have been formulated pertaining to the capabilities of water. The latest of these “out-there” claims is that water is conscious and has feelings, and will appropriately react to outside stimuli in a very visual and comprehensive manner. This claim is a subcategory of a broader field of study, known as “Hado.”

… As Dr. Emoto explains on the official Hado website, the above definition essentially means that everything emits an attitude, or aura, and this affects the things around it. What’s more, external stimuli can affect the vibration of certain entities, and thereby change the mood of those entities. Examples of such stimuli are music or spoken or written words.

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