Ashley Turner
An intact gut barrier is foundational for human health. The gut barrier between the GI tract and our internal environment protects our bodies by allowing nutrients to pass through, while blocking foreign invaders. When this barrier becomes compromised, it is called intestinal hyperpermeability or “leaky gut,” meaning that undigested food particles, toxins and pathogens can freely pass through. Over time, as these continue to cross the gut barrier, the body enters into a state of chronic inflammation. Meanwhile, the immune system starts producing antibodies against the foreign invaders.
… The autoimmune protocol is an elimination diet that removes foods known to drive in ammation and its symptoms, followed by a careful reintroduction period to rule out reactivity. Removing potentially problematic foods can decrease inflammation, rebalance the gut ora, soothe the gut lining, regulate blood sugar, modulate the immune system, resolve nutrient deficiencies and promote overall healing.