Canada Health Alliance

Orthomolecular Treatment for Depression, Anxiety & Behavior Disorders

Raymond J. Pataracchia

Biochemical syndromes of importance in mood and behaviour disorders are those that ultimately influence neurotransmitter production, release, inhibition, and signal transduction. Various segments of the mood and behaviour disorder population fall into subgroups of distinct biochemical imbalance. We often see subgroups of essential fatty acid deficiency, inadequate nutriture, dysglycemia, food intolerance, digestive compromise, malabsorption, under-methylation, vitamin B3 deficiency, vitamin C deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, B6 deficiency, zinc deficiency, brain hypothyroidism, and hypoadrenia. Orthomolecular medicine has a key role in the treatment of mood and behaviour disorders. The goal of orthomolecular medicine is to correct the causative factors that influence biochemistry.

Image: Anthony Tran @ Unsplash

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