Scalar Wave Morphogenetic Field Mechanics and Ozone Therapy As a Revolutionary Model for Bioenergetic Regeneration

Jere Rivera-Dugenio

The author proposes an advanced quantum médicine model based upon organic scalar-wave morphogenetic field mechanics, biocybernetic médicine, and ozone thérapie. Individuals with acute, standard and chronic health conditions stem from underlying distortions within the energetic, mental, emotional and physical systems within the biological energetic organism, however, the frequently ignored aspect is not whether the immune system is weak or strong but rather whether the immune system is blind or not. What determines an immune system being able to recognize and address stressors within the bio-energetic organism is the capacity for uninterrupted cellular communication with the DNA and RNA. It is my experience with treating real-life cases that by understanding and applying the principles of the advanced quantum médicine model (BioCybernetic Médicine, advanced scalar wave morphogenetic field mechanics and ozone thérapie) individuals with acute, standard and chronic health conditions can assist their own immune system via scalar wave information to stimulate the self- regulating healing abilities of their own biological-energetic systems. Over a 12-month period, subjects with acute, standard and chronic health conditions who were treated via advanced scalar-energy technology and revolutionary ozone thérapie protocols achieved higher self-healing rates with no reversion. Data suggests that inclusion of the advanced quantum médicine model within one’s own preventative health protocol may lead to important advancements within the current personalized, preventative médicine model.

Image: geralt @ Pixabay

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