We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

Joel M. Moskowitz The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of “fear mongering” over the advent of wireless technology’s 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific […]
Study: 5G Causes Microwave Syndrome

Environmental Health Trust First Study so Far: 5G Causes the Microwave Syndrome The first ever study of the health effects of 5G radiation on humans shows that 5G causes typical symptoms of microwave syndrome as well as a massive increase in microwave radiation. The case study also confirms once again that radiation well below levels […]
5G Towers Can Make Healthy People Sick, Two Case Reports Show

Suzanne Burdick A new case report shows that two previously healthy men rapidly developed typical “microwave syndrome” symptoms shortly after a 5G cell tower was installed on the roof of their o ce. According to the report, published Feb. 4 in the Annals of Clinical Case Reports, the men experienced headaches, joint pain, tinnitus, abnormal […]
Judicial Review Heard: Is the Government Informing the Public of Risks Associated with 5G Roll Out?

actionagainst5g.org On 6 and 7 February 2023 the Administrative Court heard the judicial review of the Secretary of State’s alleged failure to address the evidence of risks to human health posed by 5G technology. … At the hearing the government argued that there is no duty to inform the public of any risks at all, […]
Eight Repeatedly Documented Findings Each Show that EMF Safety Guidelines Do Not Predict Biological Effects and Are, therefore Fraudulent: The Consequences for Both Microwave Frequency Exposure and also 5G

Martin L. Pall Microsoft Word – SafetyGuidelineFraud4-2-2.docx ICNIRP, US FCC, EU and other EMF safety guidelines are all based on the assumption that average EMF intensities and average SAR can be used to predict biological effects and therefore safety. Eight different types of quantitative or qualitative data are analyzed here to determine whether these safety […]
4 Studies Add to Evidence of Wireless-Technology-Related Electromagnetic Radiation in Humans

Suzanne Buridick New studies from Sweden, China, Australia and the U.K. shed light on human exposure to electromagnetic radiation from wireless technologies, but the authors of one study alleged industry tried to censor their research, and in another case, critics accused researchers of having con icts of interest with the telecom industry.
How Much is Safe?

Investigate Europe Is radiation from mobile technology dangerous? As the world is about to enter the 5G era, engineers, physicists, biologists and cancer doctors can look back at thousands of studies and calculations on health effects from radio frequency electromagnetic fields in the previous 2G and 3G technologies. But there is strong disagreement as to […]
Microwave Emissions and the Problem of Modern Viral Diseases

S. V. Avakyan and L. A. Baranova The results of a study on the mechanisms of the influence of an increased level of microwave radiation on the growth of infectious, primarily viral, diseases in the environment are presented. This is the radiation of the earth’s ionosphere, which reached its maximum in the late 1980s–early 2000s, […]