Mental Health Treatment That Works

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Doctors report that mental health problems including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, anti-social and learning disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorders often have a common cause: insufficient nutrients in the brain. Nutritionally-oriented physicians assert that the cure for these problems is to give the body the extra nutrients it needs, especially when under […]
The Link between Food and Mental Health

Rebecca A. Clay Can nutrition affect your mental health? A growing research literature suggests the answer could be yes. Western-style dietary habits, in particular, come under special scrutiny in much of this research. … And small dietary changes can make a big difference. … Such studies are part of the growing evidence base within nutritional […]
Fluoride Added to Drinking Water Contributes to Rising Rates of ADHD, Lower IQs in Kids

Joseph Mercola More than 400 animal and human studies show uoride is a neurotoxic substance, and many have found harm at, or precariously close to, the levels millions of American pregnant women and children receive. A 1 mg-per-day increase in the uoride a mother gets from drinking water may lower the IQ of her child […]
Safer, Homeopathic Alternatives for Children with ADHD

Dana Ullman Hyperactivity and its related syndromes (ADD: attention deficit disorder; and ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has become America’s #1 childhood psychiatric ailment. One of the common drugs to treat children with ADD and ADHD has been Ritalin, and its used has become so common that some people are calling it “vitamin R.” It […]
Is Homeopathy Effective for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder? A Meta-analysis

Katharina Gaertner et al. BACKGROUND: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) prevalence is increasing, compliance to treatment is often poor, and additional treatment options are warranted. We aim to investigate whether individualized homeopathic treatment is effective in children with ADHD when compared to placebo or usual care alone.METHODS: Thirty-seven online sources were searched with a […]
Hundreds of ‘Tylenol Lawsuits’ Allege Retailers, Manufacturers Knew Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Could Cause Autism, ADHD

Michael Nevradakis Hundreds of “Tylenol lawsuits” already have been led against retailers and manufacturers alleging they sold products containing acetaminophen to pregnant women, knowing the medications could harm the developing fetus. The number of lawsuits could soon reach into the thousands, according to an attorney who spoke to The Defender. Attorney W. Mark Lanier described […]
Autism-Heavy Metal Toxicity and Herbal Remedies: A Review

Vijayalakshmi S and K. G. Kripa Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills. Many researches are supportive of the fact that toxic metals increase the symptoms of autism, PDD and ADHD. Current research ascertains the presence of […]
Autism and Vaccinations

Mary Megson The segment of children with “regressive autism,” the form where children develop normally for a period of time then lose skills and sink into autism, most commonly at 18-24 months of age, is increasing at a phenomenal rate. I am seeing several children in the same family a\ected, including in the last week […]