Men’s Mental Health and Suicide in Canada – Key Takeaways

Man in Black Long Sleeve Shirt Lying on Gray Couch

Mental Health Commission of Canada Of the estimated 4,000 suicide deaths in Canada each year, close to 75 per cent are men. This resource summarizes the key takeaways from the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Men: Evidence Brief. Based on findings from the Evidence Brief, this resource highlights statistics on men’s mental health and suicidal […]

The Public Health Playbook: Ideas for Challenging the Corporate Playbook

oval brown wooden conference table and chairs inside conference room

Jennifer Lacy-Nichols, Robert Marten, Eric Crosbie, Rob Moodie Many commercial actors use a range of coordinated and sophisticated strategies to protect business interests—their corporate playbook—but many of these strategies come at the expense of public health. To counter this corporate playbook and advance health and wellbeing, public health actors need to develop, refine, and modernise […]