The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy: A Deadly Poison or a Cure for COVID-19?

Mitchell Brent Liester Chlorine dioxide has been condemned as a dangerous poison and has been touted as a cure for COVID-19. This narrative review examines the controversy surrounding the use of aqueous chlorine dioxide by investigating evidence-based research articles, government documents, press reports, and the results of the first clinical trial utilizing chlorine dioxide as […]
The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban

Rolf U. Halden et al. The FDA’s decades-long path to issuing a final rule, and the narrow scope of the September 2016 Final Rule (FDA 2016), indicate that existing regulatory practices are not sufficient to protect human and ecosystem health from adverse impacts of antimicrobial chemicals. Scientists from both academia and nonprofit organizations coauthored The […]
Austrian AMR Action Plan Confirms the Potential of Homeopathy

European Coalition on Homeopathic & Anthroposophic Medicinal Products The latest version of the Austrian government’s national Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) confirms the potential of homeopathy and other complementary medicines in tackling antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance has been identified as one of the greatest health threats worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Food […]