Safety and Efficacy of Oral DMSA Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Part A – Medical Results

James B. Adams Background: This study investigated the effect of oral dimercapto succinic acid (DMSA) therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders ages 3-8 years. Methods: Phase 1 involved 65 children who received one round of DMSA (3 days). Participants who had high urinary excretion of toxic metals were selected to continue on to phase […]
Safety and Efficacy of Oral DMSA Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Part B – Behavioral Results

James B. Adams et al. Background: This study investigated the effects of oral dimercapto succinic acid (DMSA) therapy on the behavioural symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) ages 3-8 years. Methods: Phase 1 involved 65 children with ASD who received one round of DMSA (3 days). Participants who had high urinary excretion of […]
A Possible Association between Fetal/Neonatal Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Increased Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Robert C. Kane Recently disclosed epidemiological data indicate a dramatic increase in the incidence of autism spectrum disorders. Previously, the incidence of autism has been reported as 4-5 per 10,000 children. The most recent evidence indicates an increased incidence of about 1 per 500 children. However, the etiology of autism is yet to be determined. […]
‘Heartbreaking’: Pharma Eyes Exponential Growth in Multi-Billion Market for Autism Drugs

Brenda Baletti The global Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) treatment market is projected to reach $11.42 billion by 2028, growing from $9.01 billion in 2021, according to a market research report by 360 Research Reports and announced in a press release on Monday. It’s the latest in a series of reports published over the last 12 […]
CEASE Therapy – Misconceptions and Truths

Anke Zimmermann CEASE Therapy is suddenly receiving media attention as well-funded skeptics groups are trying to discredit and limit access to homeopathy and homeopathic remedies around the world. For interested parties, here is a short summary of what CEASE is and isn’t.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Holistic Homeopathy – Part 2

Parful Barvalia … Reduction of autistic features and rehabilitation into mainstream society of the child can be achieved through the classical homeopathic approach. We take into account sensory pattern, kinetic state, regressive state, features pertaining to affects and mood and qualified aspects to ascertain the totality of the cases. Autism is a multi- factorial phenomenon, […]
The Severity of Autism is Associated with Toxic Metal Body Burden and Red Blood Cell Glutathione Levels

J. B. Adams et al. This study investigates the possible relationship of the severity of autism to the relative body burden of toxic metals. … The various correlation analyses found that overall there were multiple positive correlations between the severity of autism and the urinary excretion of some toxic metals (both before and after taking […]
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Holistic Homeopathy – Part 1

Praful Barvalia For almost a century, the medical profes- sion has struggled to comprehend and work out ways to handle childhood disorders like ADHD as well as autism. Stimulants, tran- quillizers, hypnotics etc. have been used from time to time to deal with these disor- ders with varying degrees of results, but mainly short-term or […]