The Role of Oxalates in Autism and Chronic Disorders

William Shaw I first became interested in this topic because of improvements that were noted in autistic children by the researcher Susan Owens. It was Owens who collected the data showing that many autistic children had frequent urination of small volume and found that the phenomenon was associated with oxalates. She also found that these […]
New First-of-Its-Kind Autism Diagnostic Test Examines Child’s Exposure to Environmental Toxins

The Defender Staff Researchers have developed the rst diagnostic test for autism that analyzes environmental exposure history — what researchers call the exposome — to aid in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). StrandDx, developed by New York startup LinusBio, uses a single strand of hair to analyze patterns of hair growth that reflect […]
Moms Were Right: Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Can Cause ADHD, Austism

James Lyons-Weiler It is well established that vaccination leads to fever. Fever leads to acetaminophen use. The Moms told us years ago that they knew that acetaminophen depletes glutathione, impairing whole-body detoxification. Neurodevelopmental disorders follow. Now, there are major lawsuits against the manufacturers of acetaminophen for compensation for the cost of neurodevelopmental disorders that follow […]
Pharma Exposed! Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is Targeted Gene Deletion!

Ariyana Love The three regions of the brain being targeted are the temporal cortex, cerebellum, and prefrontalcortex, especially the frontal lobe. These regions were shown to have lower methylation levels ofthe X chromosome with ASD. The study specifies that X chromosome deletion occurs by “epigenetic dysregulation” (gene deletion) and “DNA methylation” (genetic coding). … Targeted […]
Over-medicating Kids Leads to More Health Problems – and More Meds

Joseph Mercola Children with behavioral and mental health conditions often fall victim to polypharmacy, the use of multiple medications at one time. In Renae Smith’s case, which was profiled by The New York Times, she was prescribed 10 psychotropic medications while she was still in high school. One systematic review found that up to 87% […]
Research Confirms Gut-Brain Connection in Autism
Joseph Mercola It’s widely known that autistic children often suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) problems, with those experiencing the worst GI problems often having the most severe cases of autism. Research con rms and further strengthens the theory that the gut plays an important role in the development of ASD. Gut dysfunction in autism may be […]
Vaccines and Autism New scientific discoveries show that autism is caused by early-life immune activation and brain inflammation. This brochure explains the science connecting vaccines, immune activation, aluminum adjuvant and autism.
Vaccines and the Brain Powerful scientific evidence shows 2 ways vaccines cause brain damage: Aluminum Adjuvant Toxicity Immune System Activitation