‘Toxic Legacy’ – How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health

Joseph Mercola Glyphosate is a very efficient metal chelator. This, in turn, disrupts your gut microbesbecause it makes minerals unavailable to the microbes. Your gut microbes need thoseminerals, as their enzymes depend on them for proper functioning. There’s a strong correlation between the rise in celiac disease over time and the rise inglyphosate usage on […]

Guardians of the Brain

The brain’s borders teem with an army of immune cells that monitor and protect it. Diana Kwon The brain is the body’s sovereign, and receives protection in keeping with its high status. Its cells are long-lived and shelter inside a fearsome fortification called the blood–brain barrier. For a long time, scientists thought that the brain […]

160 Research Papers Supporting Vaccine/Autism Causation

girl in blue white and red plaid shirt hugging brown teddy bear

Ginger Taylor Mainstream research has found that vaccines and their ingredients can cause the underlying medical conditions that committed physicians and researchers are commonly finding in children who have been given an autism diagnosis. These conditions include gastrointestinal damage, immune system impairment, chronic infections, mitochondrial disorders, autoimmune conditions, neurological regression, glial cell activation, interleukin-6 secretion […]