Autopsies Confirm: Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Fatal Heart Inflammation or “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”

Lance D. Johnson Medical examiners from Germany conducted autopsies on thirty-five individuals who died within twenty days after taking a second dose of the covid-19 mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty & Spikevax). They concluded that ten of the fatalities were clearly not due to the vaccine, due to evidence of drug overdose. The majority of the fatalities […]
Autopsy-based Histopathological Characterization of Myocarditis after Anti-SARS-CoV2-Vaccination

Constatin Schwab et al. Cases of myocarditis, diagnosed clinically by laboratory tests and imaging have been described in the context of mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Autopsy-based description of detailed histological features of vaccine-induced myocarditis is lacking. We describe the autopsy findings and common characteristics of myocarditis in untreated persons who received anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Standardized autopsies were […]
Four Cases of Cytokine Storm after COVID-19 Vaccination: Case Report
Kazuhiro Murata et al. Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report The global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to the rapid development of vaccines against this disease. Despite the success of the international vaccination program, adverse events following vaccination, and the mechanisms behind them, remain poorly understood. Here we present […]
Deaths After Vaccination in Pfizer Trial Not Fully Investigated, New Documents Reveal
Will Jones Three participants in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trial died shortly after vaccination and their deaths were not fully investigated, it has been revealed. … it’s not clear how the investigator and Pfizer can be so sure the death was unrelated to the vaccine when there was no autopsy and no thorough medical assessment. […]
CDC and FDA Must Heed Evidence on Contraindications in the Immunocompromised and Revisit Possible Vaccine-Induced Disease Enhancement

James Lyons-Weiler In April, 2022, a landmark study, “High viral loads: what drives fatal cases of COVID-19 in vaccinees? – an autopsy study” was published in Modern Pathology – a Nature group journal – by Klaus Hirschbühl and colleagues. The study found that vaccinated people who are immunocompromised are at a much higher risk of […]
High Viral Loads: What Drives Fatal Cases of COVID-19 in Vaccinees? – An Autopsy Study

Klaus Hirschbühl et al. The rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections in vaccinees has become a relevant serious issue. This study aimed to determine the causes of death, histological organ alteration, and viral spread in relation to demographic, clinical-pathological, viral variants, and vaccine types for deceased individuals with proven SARS-CoV-2 infection after vaccination who died between January […]