How To Get The Bugs Out

Janet Starr Hull Many diseases and disease syndromes source to parasites, bacteria, yeast or fungus. Here are some natural ways to prevent microorganisms from finding a home inside your body, and ways to remove them if they have already set up housekeeping. If microbes are present, certain foods, medications, and food chemicals can stimulate them. […]

Zoonoses Likely to be Used in Bioterrorism

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C. Patrick Ryan Bioterrorism is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other agents used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. Only modest microbiologic skills are needed to produce and effectively use biologic weapons. And biological warfare has afflicted campaigns throughout military history, at times playing an important role in determining […]

Oral Microbiome Finds Challenge Dentistry Dogma

Kristina Campbell Scientists have been aware of microbes in the mouth for centuries, since Antonie van Leeuwenhoek famously reported scraping live bacteria from the inside of his mouth and observing them “very prettily a-moving” under an early microscope in the late 1600s. Subsequently, they cultured what they could from sites in the mouth and studied […]

The Great Covid Virus Debate

Andrew Kaufman During crises, people ask questions, and the Covid crisis is no exception. People are asking, “Is there any real or new illness called Covid-19—apart from vaccinations and the treatments themselves?” We are not alone in proposing that we must take a cold look at the viral theory touted as the cause of this […]

Dismantling the Viral Theory

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Robert O. Young HAS THE EXISTENCE OF POLIO, MEASLES, HIV, CMV, EBV, HEP C, EBOLA, THE FLU, ZIKA AND NOW CORONA VIRUSES BEEN DEMONSTRATED AND SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN? … Historically, medical science has vacillated on the question of whether a virus is alive. Originally it was described as nonliving, but is currently said to be an […]

GMOs and VACCINES Are Destroying Your Good Gut Bacteria and Crippling Your Immunity

S.D. Wells Who’s taking a “shot to the gut” today? Nothing like being kicked in the stomach, but in this case, we’re looking into how genetically modified organisms and foreign proteins literally destroy the environment in your gut, in essence wiping out all your flora – the good bacteria you need to fight off diseases […]

Big Pharma’s $7.2 Billion Cash Cow: Vaccines for Industrial Meat Production

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Martha Rosenberg Many people know about the routine use of antibiotics in livestock production — and object to it.  The drugs are profitable to industrial meat producers because they cause animals to gain more weight with less feed and prevent the outbreak of disease in often cramped concentrated animal feeding operation conditions.  … As the […]

Bacterial and Fungal Isolation from Face Masks under the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Ah-Mee Park et al. The COVID-19 pandemic has led people to wear face masks daily in public. Although the effectiveness of face masks against viral transmission has been extensively studied, there have been few reports on potential hygiene issues due to bacteria and fungi attached to the face masks … We surveyed 109 volunteers on […]