Doing Good by Hammering the Poor

boy holding stock pot

David Bell “Doing good” on a global scale has never been so popular, and never more profitable. The public-private partnerships that now dominate the global public health industry have generously overperformed since early 2020, enriching private and corporate donors alike. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) ongoing pandemic treaty negotiations hold promise to lock in this […]

Health Canada Wants More Funds from Pharma

Lauren Vogel Health policy experts told CMAJ that parliamentary oversight of cost recovery is particularly important given the potential for conflicts of interest as Canada looks to increase its dependence on industry fees. “The more you get your money from a private source, the more you may consciously or unconsciously see yourself as being in […]

Pfizer Booster Protection against Omicron Wanes in Just Weeks, Study Finds

Susan C. Olmstead Second and third doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine provide protection against the Omicron variant for only a few weeks, according to peer-reviewed research published today in JAMA Network Open. “Our study found a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses of [the Pfizer-BioNTech] BNT162b2,” the […]

Outcome Reporting Bias in Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trials

Ronald B. Brown Relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction measures in the evaluation of clinical trial data are poorly understood by health professionals and the public. The absence of reported absolute risk reduction in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials can lead to outcome reporting bias that affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy. The present article […]

Did Pfizer Perform Adequate Safety Testing for its Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine in Preclinical Studies? Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud (revised version June 2022)

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Sasha Latypova The rushed “warp speed” development and approval of completely novel Covid-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines pushed on millions of people has resulted today in millions of reported injuries and thousands of deaths according to public health databases such as VAERS (US), Eduravigilance (EU), Yellow Card (UK) and others. This article reviews some of […]

Rapid Antigen Test Part 3: Cease and Desist Notification

A notice template that can be used as your legal notice to cease and desist from any and all further distribution of all COVID-19 rapid antigen tests including—but not limited to—Artron, Abbott, BNTX, and BD Veritor. The test dissemination was carried out in a negligent and cavalier manner without appropriate direction. This notice outlines concerns […]

Rapid Antigen Test Part 2: Fact Sheet

The purpose of this fact sheet is to bring awareness to the recorded and observed harms that are associated with COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits. Currently, there is no proper disclosure of the known toxins in these tests; the risk of injuries, cancers, and death—as well as long-term health impacts—due to exposure to these toxic […]